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Eelco Fiole


Personal Bio

Job Title: Managing Partner

Areas of Expertise: Arbitration,Mediation,Expert Witness

#Polymath - #T-shaped risk and investment #governance expert, Dr Eelco Fiole, CFA, CDir, founder and sole managing partner of Alpha Governance Partners, is a trusted director and advisor and accomplished financial executive in banking, wealth and alternative investment management including #crypto. He is also active in arbitrations in cases of cmplex financial investments.

Globally networked, committed, resilient, always on, enabling, lateral thinking, bridging the big picture and the detail holistically. Strong analytical, synthesis and communication skills, building relationships on all levels, across cultures. Almost 25 years in the financial services industry, incl. with larger banks such as Credit Suisse and UBS, mid-sized investment organizations, consultants zeb and PwC, and #blockchain foundation #Tezos.

Almost 10 years in #fiduciary COO- and CFO-roles in blockchain and investments with AuM up to USD 17 bn of complex strategies with a variety of operational, risk, and investment responsibilities, running small and large teams internationally. Experience in various global on- and off-shore jurisdictions and with hedge funds, insurance-linked, private debt, private equity, emerging markets, Africa, trade finance, quant overlay, sustainability and crypto

Currently, as an entrepreneur and professional board director, CxO-level clients including at institutional funds and UHNWI-managers value his integrity, facilitating style, all-round executive experience, broad and deep banking, investment and risk knowledge, strategic creativity, sound judgment and methodological approach, connecting the dots to complete the picture, while allowing for ambiguity.

A multilingual Dutchman with 20+ years of private exposure to China, having travelled to 100+ countries, Eelco is a regular speaker in the fields of #governance, risk and #ethics.

Country of Residence: Switzerland

Primary Branch: Europe

Secondary Branch:

Contact Details


Company Details

PO Box 21
