Fiona Dickie, the Pubs Code Adjudicator, shares her learnings after five years as a regulator
Advanced insight into Ciarb’s 2023 Alexander Lecture
UK Government responds to 2022 mediation consultation
Anti-suit Injunctions in International Arbitration
The NYC and SCM: under the microscope
Qualifications We offer a range of professional development courses and assessments that lead to Ciarb qualifications. As well as supporting you to develop your career, these qualifications enable you...
Ciarb launches Branch in Saudi Arabia
How do you gain arbitration experience without an appointment?
Brazil Branch Committee Chair Cristina M. Wagner Mastrobuono FCIArb Vice Chair Tonico Monteiro da Silva Filho FCIArb Secretary Fátima Bonassa FCIArb Vice Secretary Maria Luiza Negreiros D’Assunção MCI...
IMPRESS Arbitration Scheme
IMPRESS Arbitration Scheme For those who risk financial or reputational damage from a media-related disagreement, Impress provides an arbitration scheme supported by Ciarb that delivers quick, afforda...