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493 results

Introduction to International Arbitration Assessment (July)

YMG Annual Conference

Adapt and Thrive: Succeeding in an evolving arbitration landscape We live in a rapidly changing world, with new technologies and industries constantly emerging. The field of arbitration is no differen...

Student Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution Training & Assessment (On-Demand)


Canada Branch Chapters Alberta Sabri Shawa Toronto Lisa Munro Toronto Robin Dodokin Ottawa/Montreal Jacques Darche Ottawa/Montreal Phillipe Boisvert Ottawa/Montreal Annie Lesperance


New York Branch Committee Branch Chair Stephanie Cohen FCIArb Branch Vice Chair Matthew Draper FCIArb Branch Treasurer Daniel Schimmel FCIArb Branch Secretary Gretta Walters MCIArb Assistant Treasurer...


Thailand Branch Committee Branch Chair Vanina Sucharitkul FCIArb Branch Vice Chair Noppramart Thammateeradaycho MCIArb Branch Treasurer Nattaphol Chinawong MCIArb Branch Secretary Dutsadee Dutsadeepan...


Cyprus Branch Committee Branch Chair Mr Nicos Elia FCIArb Branch Vice Chair Nicoletta Epaminonda MCIArb Branch Treasurer Melina Karaolia MCIArb Branch Secretary Platonas Stylianou FCIArb Branch Commit...

Mediation in Scotland

Mediation in Scotland Mediation has many advantages. Normally the process takes just days to complete, therefore the time and cost advantage of the process is apparent. Mediation is increasing in popu...

UNCITRAL WG III Autumn session 2022 (41st) – Vienna

CIArb President’s inaugural message