Shaping the Future: A Recap of the Ciarb Qatar Conference & AGM 2023

The Ciarb Qatar Conference & Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023 brought together over 400 esteemed professionals, experts, and thought leaders in the field of arbitration for a remarkable event filled with knowledge sharing, inspiring moments, and collaborative discussions. Held on 10 May 2023 at Four Seasons Hotel, Doha, the conference showcased a diverse range of panels, engaging speakers, and networking opportunities that left a lasting impact on attendees.

Engaging Opening Session:

The conference commenced with an electrifying opening session, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience. Saad Hegazy FCIArb, the Vice Chair of Ciarb Qatar Branch, delivered a warm welcome speech that created an atmosphere of anticipation and collaboration. Dr. Nasser Al-Adba, the esteemed Chair of Ciarb Qatar Branch, further ignited attendees’ curiosity with his visionary address, highlighting exciting topics and discussions to come.

Insights and Inspiration:

Throughout the conference, attendees were treated to an array of captivating panels and presentations that delved into the key issues and advancements in the field of arbitration. Esteemed moderators such as Saad Hegazy and HE Sheikh Dr. Thani bin Ali Al Thani expertly guided discussions, fostering an engaging and collaborative environment.

The conference featured panels on topics such as the current challenges and updates in arbitration, international arbitration highlights, and the role of technology in resolving arbitration disputes. The prominent speakers also explored the vital role of experts in arbitration. The perspectives of the experts, counsels, and arbitrators' provided valuable insights and shed light on the importance of expert testimony.

Notable Moments:

The event witnessed two memorandums of understanding (MOU) signed between Ciarb Qatar Branch and the Qatar Society of Engineers, and the Qatar Lawyers Association.

A Pledge was also made between Ciarb Qatar Branch and Equal Representation in Arbitration (ERA). The pledge serves as a powerful catalyst for change, highlighting the importance of providing a level playing field for women professionals in the field of arbitration. It recognizes the immense talent and expertise that women bring to the table and aims to eliminate any barriers that hinder their participation and advancement within the arbitration industry.

The conference was not only an educational experience but also a platform for recognition and celebration. Dr. Nasser Al-Adba and Saad Hegazy presented awards to the organisation committee for their exceptional contributions, acknowledging their dedication to the success of the event.

The unity and camaraderie of the arbitration community were showcased during a memorable group photo that captured the spirit of collaboration and shared goals within Qatar.


The Ciarb Qatar Conference & AGM 2023 was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees. From the inspiring opening session to the engaging panel discussions, the event provided a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and professional growth.

Participants left the conference with a deeper understanding of arbitration's challenges, advancements, and the crucial role of experts. The shared insights and discussions will undoubtedly shape the future of the arbitration community, fostering a more informed and effective dispute resolution landscape.

With each event, Ciarb Qatar Branch continues to drive progress and collaboration, and the 2023 conference was no exception. As the Branch reflects on this transformative experience, it looks forward to future conferences that will further contribute to the growth and development of the field of arbitration.

Thank you to the following Ciarb Qatar Conference & AGM Organisers:

  • Dr. Nasser Al-Adba - Ciarb Qatar Branch Chair and Conference Chair
  • Saad Hegazy FCIArb - Ciarb Qatar Branch Vice Chair and Head of Organising Committee
  • Richard McConn - Ciarb Qatar Branch Honorary Secretary
  • Nurul Sabri FCIArb - Ciarb Qatar Branch Board Member Events
  • Vanessa Malaluan FCIArb - Ciarb Qatar Branch Board Member
  • Tamer Zaro - Ciarb Qatar Branch Admin Officer

A special thank you to the Conference sponsors and partners whose support and partnership played a vital role in bringing the conference to life.