Maximise Your Reach: The new Ciarb and Jus Mundi partnership explained

Clémence Prévot explains how the new partnership works in practice and how Ciarb’s members can start getting involved today.

Ciarb and Jus Mundi recently announced a new partnership designed to enhance opportunities for dispute resolution practitioners globally. This collaboration enables Ciarb members to create or update their profiles on Jus Mundi’s sister platform, Jus Connect, where their membership qualifications and postnominals will be prominently displayed. Ciarb members’ profiles will be enhanced by showcasing their expertise and experience. Furthermore, the soon-to-be interconnected Ciarb’s Member Directory with Jus Connect will provide greater benefits, streamlining access and visibility for Ciarb members.

What is Jus Connect and how can you benefit from this new Ciarb partnership?

Jus Connect is the world’s first professional network tailor-made for arbitration. The data-powered platform is trusted by arbitrators, lawyers, in-house counsel, and governmental counsel all around the world to easily find the best arbitrators, lawyers, experts, tribunal secretaries, or firms for their cases through data-backed profiles. These profiles include analytics on caseload, work experience, industries, and more and are built solely on factual and validated information.

By creating and enriching your Jus Connect profile, you can expand your reach, both within the arbitration community for appointments and referrals, as well as with your target clients. With 40k visits per month, Jus Connect seamlessly helps you grow your revenue opportunities.

How do you create or enrich a Jus Connect profile?

Joining Jus Connect as an individual does not require a subscription, and you might already have a free profile without realising it. Jus Connect profiles are automatically generated when a practitioner is tagged on a case available on Jus Mundi. This means all the case data displayed is directly extracted from documents found on the platform.

These Jus Connect profiles can be claimed and updated by the practitioners themselves, allowing them to add a profile picture, their nationality(ies), languages, bar admissions, CV, work experience, and case history.

  • If you can find your unclaimed profile, simply click on one of the “Join Now” buttons and follow the steps to claim it.

  • If you’re logged into your Jus Mundi account, simply click on one of the “Join Now” buttons.

  • If you don’t have a Jus Connect profile yet, just follow the simple steps here.

How can you complete your profile information once you have claimed or created it?

On your Jus Connect profile, click on the pencil icon to add or update your information, such as your headshot, CV, the mandates you accept, your work experience, and more. After making your changes, click on “Save changes” and voilà!

How to complete your case history

Your case history is what most interests your potential clients and co-counsel who want to know more about your experiences and expertise and seamlessly conduct their due diligence before hiring or appointing you.

Once you have created or claimed your Jus Connect profile, you can add your entire case history - without sacrificing confidentiality. Jus Mundi only collects non-confidential information about the cases you want to add.

Submit information about cases in which you have participated as arbitrator, lawyer, legal expert, expert, or tribunal secretary, and the Jus Connect team will double-check the details provided with other participants in the case. The source of the information is never disclosed; so you will remain entirely anonymous throughout the validation process and beyond.

Once the case details have been verified by other individuals, the case is added to Jus Mundi and on your Jus Connect profile.

To submit a case for validation, simple click on the “Add Cases” button on your profile while logged in and answer the questionnaire.

Questions regarding Jus Connect profiles?

Contact the dedicated team via Jus Mundi/Jus Connect live chat or at

About the author:

Clémence Prévot is a New York and Paris qualified lawyer and Legal Content Marketing Manager at Jus Mundi. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Jus, Jus Mundi and Jus Connect’s blog on all things arbitration.