Conference on “Practical Skills for Cross-Examination” co-hosted by Taiwan Chapter

The Taiwan Chapter of Ciarb EAB, the ADR Committee of the Taiwan Bar Association, the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei (CAA), and Chen & Chang Attorneys-at-Law have once again joined forces to successfully host the third session of the "Dispute Resolution for International Construction Disputes" series, titled "Practical Skills for Cross-Examination" in the evening of 18 April 2023. It was a great honor to have the President of the Taiwan Bar Association, Ms. Mei-Nu Yu, as the guest speaker, and she especially acknowledged the longtime efforts of the ADR Committee in promoting various alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, including arbitration and mediation.

The first two conferences of the series were held respectively on 13 December 2022, and 11 January 2023. In these two conferences, speakers explored the roles and responsibilities of experts in international arbitration, six models of construction delay analysis, and four widely-used models for critical path analysis. They also shared practical case examples of applying those models to various types of construction projects and introduced commonly used methods to examine each of the models respectively.

As regards the third conference, Mr. John McMillan of Keating Chambers, Mr. David Falkenstern of Kroll, frequently serving the role as expert witness, and Mr. Eugene Thong of the Arbitration Chambers, shared a panel to discuss cross-examination from the perspective of a barrister, expert witness, and arbitrator respectively. They provided in-depth analyses of how lawyers can prepare for cross-examination, how expert witnesses can respond, and how arbitrators can evaluate cross-examination. Dr. Helena Chen, C. Arb FCIArb, the Convenor of the Taiwan Chapter of Ciarb EAB (also the Chair of the ADR Committee of the Taiwan Bar Association), and Ms. Qingjing Meng, Senior Manager of Kroll, hosted the conference seamlessly in both Chinese and English. The speakers generously shared their decades of practical experience and skills, which sparked a lot of practical discussions amongst the audience.

The three conferences in this series have attracted the participation of over 400 people attending in-person or online.