CIArb Taiwan Chapter’s Evening Talk on Offshore Wind M&A

An offshore wind farm image of three turbines

The Taiwan Chapter was very honored to co-host, along with the Taiwan M&A and Private Equity Council (“MAPECT”), WindTAIWAN Magazine, and the iADR® on 21 December 2021 a special evening talk on “Offshore Wind M&A”, which wrapped up a series of four talks dedicated to green power in the latter half of 2021.

Dr Helena Chen FCIArb (Convenor of the Taiwan Chapter and Senior Partner of Chen & Chang, Attorneys-at-Law) cordially welcomed the audience and advised that it was the first time that an M&A topic was introduced in this series of offshore wind power talks. She then invited special guest, Dr Kevin Lo (Director of MAPECT), to give the welcome remarks, followed by the playing of a welcome video by special guest, Ms Xin-en Wu (Managing Editor of WindTAIWAN Magazine), which was pre-recorded for this event.

The talk was then organized into two parts based on the topics of M&A and competition law issues relevant to M&A transactions, with each topic presented by two keynote speakers. For the M&A topic, Ms. Alison Chang of FCIArb (former Head of the Taiwan Chapter YMG, North Asia Representative of the ICC YAF, and Partner of Chen & Chang, Attorneys-at-Law) enlightened the audience with how to grasp M&A key points in 15 minutes and advised of strategies for successfully completing cross-border M&A transactions. Mr David Lin (Chief Operating Officer of Asia Renewable Energy (Cayman) Ltd) shared his valuable experience in the field of offshore wind M&A from an inside counsel perspective. For the topic of competition law issues, Mr Matt Liu (Partner of Tsar & Tsai Law Firm) assessed the risks posed by competition law issues involved in the offshore wind industry, followed by comments from Dr Li-Dar Wang (Professor at the College of Law, National Chengchi University) especially with regard to the recommended reform of the current approval mechanism for concerted actions under the laws of Taiwan. The talk was concluded and deemed a great success.