CIArb Taipei and Taiwan Chapter host David Fong FCIArb Chair of CIArb EAB

Ciarb Taipei and Taiwan Chapter with David Fong FCIArb

On 22nd July, CIArb Taipei and Taiwan Chapter hosted David Fong FCIArb  Chair of CIArb EAB to speak on “Lessons from Successful Challenges to Arbitral Awards in Hong Kong”.

ICCYAAF, Chen & Chang, Attorneys-at-Law, the Taiwan Bar Association Mediation and ADR Committee, and the Taipei Bar Association Cross-Border Transaction and Dispute Resolution Committee co-hosted the event with CIArb Taipei and Taiwan Chapter.

The event, which was attended by more than one hundred people in person and online, was introduced by Dr Helena Chen FCIArb. Prof. Ful-Dien Li and Ms Monica Wang FCIArb welcomed Dr Fong.

Dr Fong presented the Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance and its background. He then focused on Article 34(2) of the UNCITRAL Model Law on international commercial arbitration cases as grounds for setting aside arbitral awards, before moving on to enumerate twenty-three cases of revocation and non-enforcement of arbitral awards in Hong Kong, providing the background information as well as the rationale behind the court decision. He concluded citing three key cases in Hong Kong.

At the subsequent "Meeting with the Chair" session, participants raised their questions about the curriculum and routes to membership of the CIArb. Both Dr Fong and Dr Helen Che replied in detail and encouraged those who are interested in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution to actively participate in the courses and activities held by CIArb.