Ciarb issues response to UK Arbitration Act review

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The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Ciarb) has now issued its response to the UK Law Commission’s consultation on reforms to the Arbitration Act 1996.

The Act provides the legal framework for arbitration in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and has been used to inform legislation in many jurisdictions around the world.

The Law Commission’s proposals seek to modernise the legislation whilst maintaining high standards and a reliable framework for successful arbitrations. Ciarb has worked closely with the Law Commission on the review, making significant contributions since it launched last year. The consultation closed on 15 December 2022.

Catherine Dixon, Ciarb Director-General said:

As a leading professional body for dispute resolvers, we welcome the opportunity to contribute to the Law Commission’s consultation on the Arbitration Act 1996. We support the regular review of arbitration legislation across the world to ensure the needs of parties and arbitrators are served. We look forward to seeing the outcome of the consultation.