Ciarb at ICCA in Edinburgh

Jane Gunn with practitioners at ICCA in Edinburgh

ICCA held its much anticipated 25th Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland on 18 to 21 September, having been forced to postpone for two years owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ciarb team were delighted to attend ICCA, the world’s largest and most prestigious gathering of arbitration professionals. While we had a reduced presence on Monday 19 September, out of respect for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II whose funeral took place that day, we were in full attendance on 20 and 21 September. Our HQ team joined forces with Ciarb Scottish Branch both as delegates, and to welcome our partners, current members, and prospective members to our stand.

Ciarb proudly sponsored the ICCA Congress gala dinner on the evening of Tuesday 20 September which took place in the splendid surroundings of the National Museum of Scotland with over 1,200 guests attending. Jane Gunn FCIArb, President of Ciarb welcomed and thanked all in attendance, celebrating the crucial role arbitrators play today in facilitating better access to justice, as well as highlighting Ciarb’s place at the heart of the ADR sector.

The ability to connect and reconnect with old friends and new in person was welcomed by everyone. We were delighted to welcome many visitors to our exhibition stand, including several past Presidents - Francis Xavier FCIArb C.Arb who we will next see delivering Ciarb’s annual Alexander Lecture on 9 November, Ann Ryan Robertson FCIArb C.Arb, and Jeffrey Elkinson FCIArb C.Arb, alongside many members and esteemed individuals from a plethora of organisations.

Ciarb’s new collaboration with the Scottish Arbitration Centre (SAC) on fundholding was announced during ICCA. Under the collaboration, parties to disputes administered by the SAC will be signposted to use the  existing Ciarb Stakeholder Account Service. The agreement comes as the SAC publishes its Rules and launches itself as an administrative body. The decision to work together attests to the high regard in which Ciarb is held as a credible professional body for arbitration, and the commitment the Centre has to offering parties experienced fundholding services.

ICCA Congress will next take place in Hong Kong from 5 to 8 May 2024.