Ciarb and CICES agree collaboration

Ciarb and CICES announce their intention to collaborate, with the aim of better supporting their respective memberships. 

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Ciarb) and the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) have signed a memorandum of understanding, formalising their intention to collaborate with each other. 

Under the agreement, the two organisations will endeavour to work closely with each other to: 

  • Enable members to network and learn across the professions.
  • Promote their respective organisations and professions.
  • Co-operate on issues of shared concern to better represent members’ interests.

Catherine Dixon, CEO of Ciarb, said, “As Royal Chartered institutions and global professional membership bodies, there are clear synergies between Ciarb and CICES. By working together, we can provide greater opportunities for our respective memberships to further their knowledge and understanding of private dispute resolution and civil engineering. By collaborating, we aim to better support our members who may work across or move between the professions.” 

Simon Hamlyn, CEO of CICES, said, “I am delighted that we are renewing our MoU with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators as it reinforces our joint commitment to each other’s organisations and will help us to ensure a positive environment for further collaboration in our areas of common interest.” 


About CICES 

The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES) is the leading international professional body for specialists in geospatial engineering and commercial management in infrastructure. CICES membership demonstrates that individuals are competent in their field and committed to continuing professional development. 

Within the two fields of geospatial engineering and commercial management, members can specialise in land and engineering surveying; hydrographic surveying; photogrammetry and remote sensing; GIS; utilities and subsurface mapping; quantity surveying; estimating; planning; cost engineering; procurement engineering; project management; and construction law. 

CICES has expert panels to liaise and collaborate with industry, academia, government and other professional bodies. It has members worldwide, with active regions including in the UK, Ireland, Hong Kong, UAE, Americas, Australia and Macau.