Branch Focus: UAE

A view of UAE at night

Interview with Glenn Trueick (FCIArb) CIArb UAE Branch Membership Secretary

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) UAE Branch is credited with being one of most successful regional Branches in the CIArb global network in delivering education and training in International Arbitration. In addition to the pathway modules and the accelerated routes in International Arbitration, the Branch is currently delivering training in Mediation as well as courses in the Arabic language. As a result, this has strengthened CIArb as a market leader in delivering education, maintaining professional standards and membership for dispute resolvers.

The UAE Branch places a significant focus on improving diversity, inclusion and equality. This calls for developing new strategies to engage with our diverse membership base, inclusion of members in activities and collaborating with underrepresented groups to improve equality. Throughout the year, the Branch delivers both online and in-person events on diverse subjects in arbitration and mediation. In addition, we hold numerous events during the annual Dubai Arbitration Week. The Branch also seeks to engage with its members by listening and receiving insights on current issues through its newsletter and delegate questions at events.

The Branch has developed a number of strategic partnerships including with the Dubai International Arbitration Center (DIAC), Sharjah International Commercial Arbitration Centre (Tahkeem), British University in Dubai (BUiD), Middlesex University Dubai, and Abu Dhabi Global Market Arbitration Centre (ADGMAC). The UAE Branch continues to collaborate with other CIArb Branches and Chapters to share knowledge at events, develop networks and expand our commitment to promote dispute resolution. As a result of the Branch Committee efforts, the Branch has received an award from the International Arbitrators & Experts in Engineering (IAEE) community in the UAE in recognition of the contribution to the alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

We have seen the UAE Branch continue to grow during the pandemic and despite the challenges there was over 900 members and 100 students registered with the Branch in December 2021. This all-time high membership represents the diversity of professionals from different backgrounds and business practitioners in the local ADR community.


1. What do you want to see in your Branch this year?

The UAE Branch is committed to promoting effective dispute resolution and the benefits it brings to different industries. We intend to continue to work with our strategic partners, universities, regional arbitration centres and local businesses to promote the benefits of ADR.  We intend to build greater links with local businesses to listen to their concerns and collaborate for training in conflict management.

In 2021, we have seen continuing developments in the UAE laws and regulations. In such a changing environment, the Branch will continue to support its members by raising awareness of these changes and target members development through its education and training programme, seminars and events. Our members benefit from courses delivered by the highly experienced practitioners providing unique insights into local laws and regulations, which are pertinent to their work in the UAE.

To that end, the Branch will continue to offer its members leading recognized education and training through the structured pathways delivered by our experienced tutors, providing high quality training materials and presentations through online and face-to-face classroom sessions.

The Branch will also continue to support initiatives that endeavour to create a more culturally diverse workplace and representation in the ADR space. This includes various initiatives on improving gender diversity, racial diversity, as well as diversity in age and background.

2. How will you implement and deliver success?

The training modules are delivered by experienced practitioners that are highly qualified in their respective fields and skilled in delivering both online and hybrid presentations through the CIArb ‘LearnADR’ platform. The virtual classroom and education events enable the Branch to reach a wider audience thereby increasing accessibility for members over greater distances. For those experienced members seeking to upgrade their membership there are the Accelerated Route to Membership (ARM) and the Accelerated Route to Fellowship (ARF). Also, those wanting to become a Fellow (FCIArb) will undergo a Peer interview for Fellowship of the CIArb. Check out the planned structured pathway courses in Arbitration and Mediation through this link.

To support members’ continuous professional development there will be a number of events and webinars on contractual and ADR issues delivered by renowned local and international practitioners.

3. How will you use or expand social networking? / How have you used social networking?

The Branch Committee is regularly reviewing the Middle East and the UAE Covid-19 guidelines for holding in-person events. However, the change in circumstances has brought about a major shift in the use of technology for presentations and members access to events. Online events provide opportunities for members to interact socially to share news, updates and develop contacts. As we progress through the year, we expect Covid-19 preventative measures and restrictions to ease. This will give the Branch Committee the opportunity to arrange in-person social events, quiz nights, cultural celebration evenings and networking occasions.

4. What will you do to engage younger members/students? / What have you done to engage younger members/students?

The UAE Branch Young Members Group (YMG) plans a series of events to bring young members and students together to develop knowledge and build their network in ADR. The activities are targeted at young practitioners that can benefit from the collaboration with regional and global YMG groups. This includes annual conference and debate series, mentoring by renowned arbitrators, evening training and competitions.

We launched the Branch’s mentorship program last year, and so there will be an opportunity for young CIArb members to get involved and to gain knowledge, develop skills and guidance from mentors experienced in ADR.

As in previous years, we will be running the ‘Introduction to International Arbitration’ course, which provides a beginner’s understanding of the various methods of ADR. The Branch is also planning an open day to meet students and other professionals in business. Check out the recent Branch YMG activities through this link.

5. How will you communicate more effectively with your members?

The Branch publishes a regular newsletter to inform members of news, views, and insights from our members as well as a round-up of forthcoming events and training. The UAE Branch website page provides contact details of the Committee, courses in Arbitration and Mediation, and news on events. Check out the recent Branch newsletter through this link.

To achieve greater engagement with its members, the UAE Branch delivers courses, seminars and training materials in the Arabic language. This creates a unique focus on the region’s cultural diversity, meets the demand for training in the Arabic language and critically improves communication to promote CIArb events. The Branch Committee members and the faculty include of Arabic speaking tutors that are developing courses and regularly participate as speakers at events.

6. Do you have a social media presence as a Branch? (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)

The UAE Branch has a dedicated LinkedIn page that has news on conferences, courses and events. It also provides insights from practitioners on developments in ADR. Check out our recent posts on LinkedIn through this link. We also utilize the CIArb Twitter account to promote events and communicate news with members in our global network.