A warm welcome for CIArb Guideline on Technology in Arbitration

A warm welcome for CIArb Guideline on Technology in Arbitration


CIArb’s recently published Framework Guideline on the Use of Technology in International Arbitration has received a warm welcome from members and the sector at large.

Issued in December 2021, the Guideline comprises two parts:

Part 1 focuses on general principles when using technology, including:

1) Arbitrators’ powers and duties in respect of technology
2) Proportionate use of technology
3) Fair and transparent use of technology
4) Secure use of technology.

Part 2 focuses on best practice relating to cybersecurity and the ways in which personal and case-related data breaches may be avoided. We are delighted that CIArb members, and others, are finding this Guideline interesting and useful. Here follow just some quotes from the coverage following publication of the Guideline.

‘Although they are not mandatory, the technology guidelines are likely to be authoritative, given they were published by the CIArb. Notably, guidelines published by the CIArb on other issues are regularly referred to in international arbitration.

They are broader in scope than the existing technology-related guidelines. Accordingly, they may fill a potential gap in the previously available guidelines and are therefore likely to be a valuable addition to international arbitration.’

Mikhail Vishnyakov, CIArb guidelines on the use of technology, Law Society Gazette, 18 March 2022.

‘These Guidelines have been drafted by arbitration specialists from both common and civil law backgrounds and codify what the CIArb considers to be international best practice in the areas they address.’

Dr. Gordon Blanke, Arbitration Tech Toolbox: Interview with Dr. Gordon Blanke on the New CIArb Technology Guideline, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 3 January 2022.

Read the CIArb Framework Guideline on the Use of Technology in International Arbitration.