

Q4 2023

Fourth Branch Committee Meeting 2023

The fourth Committee Meeting of the Ciarb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 19 December 2023.  Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee meeting as recorded on 17 September 2023.  The Branch Chair, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the virtual Fellowship peer interviews conducted by the Branch Patron and Branch Chair in November and December 2023, brief on Ciarb Branch Chair meetings held on 27-28 September 2023 and 20-22 November 2023, and brief on Ciarb Branch Treasurers' Meetings held on 22-23 September 2023  and 29 November 2023.  Members discussed the latest updates regarding Membership and Branch future events.  The Branch next Committee meeting and AGM were scheduled for 23 April 2024.


Ciarb Branch Chair Induction Meeting

On 6 September 2023, Dr. Ismail Selim, Branch Chair, represented the Branch at the virtual Ciarb Branch Chair Induction Meeting.  The meeting aimed at providing information and guidance on the new role of Branch Chair and other governance related issues.  Discussions focused on Ciarb strategy and annual plan, Ciarb Governance review and data protection, Branch Model Rules, IT road map, finance and reporting, and education and training.


Ciarb Branch Chairs Meeting

Dr. Ismail Selim represented the Branch at the virtual Ciarb Branch Chairs meeting with the Ciarb Senior Management Team held on 21 November 2023.    Discussions at the Chairs meeting held on 27-28 September and on 21 November 2023 focused on Ciarb Governance review, updated standard to obtain Chartered Arbitrator status (C.Arb), subscription fees for 2024 and revocations and renewals, Branch Planning 2024 including education and training and IT Digital implementation, sharing a Whistleblowing Awareness Survey and the prospective conference scheduled for 2025.


Ciarb Branch Treasurers' Meeting

Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Branch Treasurer, represented the Branch at the Ciarb Branch Treasurers' Meeting held on 22-23 September and 29 November 2023.  Discussions focused on Branch Financial Reporting, Branch Funding Model, IT update, and membership update.   Dr. Hafez reported that Egypt Branch has duly submitted the Branch Plan and Budget 2024 and received approval.


Branch Events:


Branch Seminar on Egypt Sovereign Rating – Caa1 with a Stable Outlook by Moody’s

On 10 October 2023 , the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar on  “Egypt Sovereign Rating – Caa1 with a Stable Outlook by Moody’s”, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amr Hassanein, Professor of Construction Management at the American University in Cairo at the Department of Construction Engineering, the moderator was Ambassador Mostafa Kamal, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of the Egypt Branch Committee. 

Prof. Dr. Amr Hassanein explained Moody’s rating for Egypt and its development over the years since the initial rating assigned by Moody’s in 1997 up to date. He demonstrated the four-corner stones of Moody’s sovereign rating methodology, with emphasis on the institutions and governance strength of the Egyptian government, mainly capturing the government effectiveness, control of corruption and rule of law, quality of legislative and executive institutions, as well as voice and accountability indicators. The discussion was heated with the active participation of the high-profile audience and how such factors, as well as other rating factors affected Egypt’s sovereign rating.

To watch the video of the seminar, please click here:



Seminar on: Compensation: Redress or Satisfaction? Between Aristotelian Philosophy and Contemporary Legal Thought

On 1 November 2023 , the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar on "Compensation: Redress or Satisfaction? Between Aristotelian Philosophy and Contemporary Legal Thought” held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Prof. Dr Mohamed Hossam Lotfy, Professor and former Head of the Civil Law Department at Beni Suef University's Faculty of Law, Lawyer at the Court of Cassation, and "UNESCO" Chair Professor for Copyright and Related Rights. Ambassador Mohamed Mostafa Kamal, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of the Egypt Branch Committee moderated the event.

The seminar addressed the growing trend advocating the use of Aristotle's philosophy to adopt "satisfaction" instead of "compensation," both of which govern the concept of "damages." The latter concept is prevalent in countries with a Latin legal culture. The event presented the principles, explore contrasting concepts, and anticipate the future through legal applications.

To watch the video of the seminar, please click here:



Seminar on: FIDIC 2017 Contracts as now amended – What It All Means in Practice

On 21 November 2023 , the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar on " FIDIC 2017 Contracts as now amended – What it all means in practice” held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Dr. Hamish Lal, Ranked Band 1 in both Construction and Band 1 in International Construction Arbitration in Chambers & Partners UK, Solicitor-Advocate in London (All Higher Courts). The moderator was Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Professor of International Arbitration, Private International Law and English Contract Law, Cairo University, Founding Partner & Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy Groups at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm. The co-moderator was Dr. Ismail Selim, Chair of Ciarb Egypt Branch and Director of the CRCICA.

The Seminar unpacked and explored the key changes made by FIDIC in November 2022 when it launched "The Conditions of Contract for Construction Second Edition 2017, reprinted 2022 with amendments". Dr Lal looked at the amended definition of a Claim (to expressly exclude certain matters to be either agreed by the Parties or to be determined by the Engineer); the amended definition of Dispute; and how the DAAB would be appointed in the absence of Party Agreement.


Dr Lal approached the practical impact of the amendments.  For example, we now have a clearer “two-track” process where the various matters to be agreed or determined which are listed in Sub-Clause 3.7 (a), do NOT need to follow Clause 20.  Only Claims need to follow Clause 20. This Clause 20 as Readers will know includes the often contested ‘strict time bar provision’ centred around late notification – an issue addressed in the recent DIFC Court of Appeal Case of Panther Real Estate Development LLC v Modern Executive Systems Contracting LLC CA 016/2022.  Dr Lal also explained FIDIC’s desire to have a bright clear red line setting the path between specific Claim – Engineer Determination – DAAB Decision – Arbitration. He explained that there was a correlation to the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in Maeda Corporation and China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited v Bauer Hong Kong Limited [2020] HKCA 830; CACV 301/2019 (16 October 2020) which held that: the sub-contractor could not pursue a claim in the arbitration where it had not raised the same specific contractual basis of the claim in its initial ‘time-bar’ notice as required by the terms of the subcontract.


A demonstration of typical claims that arise on Projects was designed to show the audience that in practice there is a blurred line between what is a Claim and what it is a matter to be referred to the Engineer for a Determination. Dr Lal queried whether the new amendments over-load the Engineer and perhaps it may be better in practice if Claims went directly to the DAAB. In other words, why have a DAAB if you are not going to make use of it as soon as Claims are ripe. This latter point was also buttressed by the notion that not all Engineers are able to act impartially or fairly.


The audience were very much engaged and very well aware of FIDIC’s Amendments but were very keen on the practical implications.  In particular, there was queries around whether one Party can simply refer ‘an issue’ that is not specified to be a “matter to be agreed or determined under Sub-Clause 3.7 (a)”, and which it considers is not a Claim, directly to the DAAB or a Local Court?   There was 40 minutes of Q/A which evidences the interest in this topic and the level of mutual interaction between the audience and Dr Hamish Lal. There were many additional comments and observations during the post Seminar refreshments.

Q3 2023

Third Branch Committee Meeting 2023

The third Committee Meeting of the Ciarb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 17 September 2023.  Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee meeting as recorded on 14 June 2023.  The Branch Chair, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the Branch Development Plan and Budget 2024, Branch Chair Induction meeting held on 6 September 2023, and Senior Management Team Meeting held on 4 July 2023.  The Branch Honorary Treasurer, Dr. Mohamed Hafez, presented a brief on the Branch Treasurers' Meeting held on 27 June 2023. 

The Branch next Committee meeting was scheduled for 19 December 2023.



Egypt Branch Development Plan and Budget 2024

On 17 September 2023, Egypt Branch submitted its Development Plan and Budget 2024.  The Branch invited members to propose topics for the Branch events in 2024. 


Ciarb Branch Chair Induction Meeting

On 6 September 2023, Dr. Ismail Selim, Branch Chair, represented the Branch at the virtual Ciarb Branch Chair Induction Meeting.  The meeting aimed at providing information and guidance on the new role of Branch chair and other governance related issues.  Discussions focused on Ciarb strategy and annual plan, Ciarb Governance review and data protection, Branch Model Rules, IT road map, finance and reporting, and education and Training.


Ciarb Senior Management Team Meeting

On 4 July 2023, Dr. Ismail Selim, Branch Chair, Dr. Ismail Selim, Branch Chair, represented the Branch at the Ciarb Senior Management Team Meeting.  The agenda of the meeting included updates regarding Ciarb Board of Trustees meeting, Third Party Intervention Policy, renewals, IT digital transformation, and Branch websites.


Ciarb Branch Treasurers' Meeting

On 27 June 2023, Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Branch Treasurer, represented the Branch at the Ciarb Branch Treasurers' Meeting.  Discussions focused on Branch financial reporting and policies including Finance Handbook. The Executive Director of IT & Digital and Transformation, delivered a presentation on Technology Update.


Branch Events:


Joint Ciarb Egypt Branch - AACE International Greater Cairo Section Seminar on: Construction Claims under the International AACE Conference 2023

On 19 July 2023, the Ciarb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) and CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) a seminar on “Construction Claims under the International AACE Conference 2023”.  The speakers were Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Branch Vice-Chairman , Regional Director (MENA), AACE International; Dr. Rania Fayed, FCIArb, Vice President of the AACE, Egypt Section; and Eng. Ahmed Yahia, Forensic Planner and Delay Analyst.  The moderator was Eng. Wael Aziz, President, AACE Greater Cairo Section and CIOB Cairo Hub Committee Member.

The event approached the legal challenges of the use of the "Windows" analysis methods of delay analysis in the construction industry in an attempt to bridge the gap between the forensic planner and legal professional.  The speakers also focused on the practical challenges regarding the neutrality of the Engineer in determining disputes under the FIDIC 2017 contracts.

It is worth noting that the seminar was the first and exclusive (modified) Arabic version of the AACE International 2023 Conference and Expo held in Chicago on 13 June 2023.

To watch the video of the seminar, please click here:



Networking Event for the Second and Third Networking Cycles

On the occasion of the closing of the second cycle of the Ciarb Egypt Branch  Mentoring  Programme and the launch of the third cycle (May 2023- May 2024), the Branch organized a networking event gathering the mentors, supporters, and mentees of the two cycles on 15 August 2023 at CRCICA’s conference room.


Dr. Ismail Selim, the Branch Chair, delivered an opening speech briefed the establishment and activities of the Programme since its launch in 2020 as the first programme initiated by a Ciarb Branch in the region.  Then, Dr. Selim introduced a presentation introduced the mentors, mentor supporters, and mentees of the first, second, and third cycles.  The presentation referred to the results of the survey answered by the mentees of the second cycle which reflected their benefit of the mentoring activities and its positive impact on their career development.  Ms. Natasha Shirazi, Legal Director at Orascom Construction and Member of the Branch Committee, presented her experience as a Mentor Supporter in the first mentoring cycle.

Afterwards, a brief video was presented to introduce testimonials of mentor supporters and mentees of the second cycle expressing their mentoring experience and activities; namely: Eng. Mahmoud El Saddany (Supporter), Dr. Amira Shalaby (Mentee), Eng. Tarek Mansour (Mentee), and Mr. Ahmed Khaled ( Mentee).


At the end of the event, members of the second cycle received certificates in recognition and appreciation of their efforts.  Eng. Ahmed Afifi (Mentor Supporter), Senior Commercial Manager at Diriyah, commented; “The program is attractive to all involved professionals, Mentors, supporters and mentees. Again, it was a great pleasure that Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Egypt Branch) was the first Branch to issue and practice this type of mentorship and I'm sure that we are always able to be in the front line”.

Read more information about the Mentoring Programme and opportunities for young Ciarb members, under 40, to apply for the role of Mentor Supporters or Mentees.



Seminar on “Aversion to the Jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal

On 6 Sep 2023, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with the CRCICA a seminar on “The Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal in light of modern judicial applications in Egypt and the Gulf states”, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Prof. Dr. Yassin EL Shazly, Vice Dean and Professor of Commercial law at Ain Shams University, and the moderator was Ambassador Mostafa Kamal, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of the Egypt Branch Committee. 


The speaker presented an overview on the principle of competence – competence granting the arbitral tribunal the authority to decide on any disputes pertaining to its own jurisdiction.  Prof. El Shazly outlined that conceptually, in civil law jurisdictions, there has been some aversion to the concept of allowing the jurisdiction of courts to be shared with privately constituted adjudicatory forums. In this environment of uncertainty and rigid legislative framework, arbitration was growing in popularity as a mechanism for dispute resolution in commercial contracts, in particular where the legal relationship involves an international element.  He focused on the principle of competence – competence that grants the arbitral tribunal the authority to decide on any disputes pertaining to its own jurisdiction. Notably, Prof. El SHazly highlighted the this positive development as it reinforces the principle of autonomy of arbitration and minimizes the intervention of state courts. In this regard, there is a legislative trend in certain Arab countries which allows the arbitral tribunal may decide on any of the challenges put forward prior to reviewing the merits of the dispute or as part of the arbitral award to be handed down in the dispute in question.  Moreover, in case there is an agreement between the parties on a precondition before the commencement of the arbitration, it may have an impact upon the Tribunal’s jurisdiction over the proceedings and the validity of the reference to arbitration if the requirements have not been achieved.


To watch the video of the seminar, please click here:



Seminar: Legal Challenges arising from Dispute Boards

On 26 September 2023, the Ciarb Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar on “Legal Challenges arising from Dispute Boards”.  The speakers were Dr. Tarek Hamed, Founder and Managing Director of DAR for Engineering Contracts and Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim, Independent Arbitrator and Founder of Ibrahim ADR (Dubai).  The moderator was Dr. Ahmed Waly, Managing Partner, WALY Arbitration & Contract Administration Firm.

The topic was approached through an interactive presentation focusing on the aspects of DBs including; advantages, formation, procedures, and outputs.  Discussions either between the speakers or between the speakers and the audience reflected different engineering and legal points of views regarding the legal challenges DBs are facing including jurisdiction of DBs and finality of DBs decisions/ recommendations.

watch the video of the webinar, please click here:



Q2 2023

Second Branch Committee Meeting 2023


The second Committee Meeting of the Ciarb Egypt Branch was held in hybrid format on 14 June 2023.  Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee meeting as recorded on 9 March 2023.  The Branch Chair, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the second and third cycles of the Branch Mentoring Programme.


Members discussed other items of the agenda including the feasibility of establishing a Ciarb Chapter as part of the Egypt Branch under the Branch Model Rules, as well as the Branch future events.  The Branch’s next Committee meeting was scheduled for 13 September 2023.



Branch Events


Seminar on “Public policy Considerations and its Impact on Setting Aside Arbitral Awards: A Comparative Analysis of Public Policy Considerations under English, French and Egyptian Laws” 


On 10 May 2023, the Ciarb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) a hybrid event on “Public Policy Considerations and its Impact on Setting Aside Arbitral Awards:  A Comparative Analysis of Public Policy Considerations under English, French and Egyptian Laws”.  The speaker was Judge Dr Mohamed Abdel Meguid Ismail, Vice-President of the Conseil D'État and Judge at the Supreme Administrative Court (Egypt).  The moderator was Dr. Ismail Selim, Chairman of Ciarb Egypt Branch and Director of the CRCICA.

The speaker focused on the latest common and civil law trends in relation to public policy, and the extent to which the Egyptian Court of Cassation adopted global developments to establish its public policy theory regarding enforceability of arbitration awards. The presentation discussed the concept policy concept as applied by English and French courts, and

how far Egyptian Courts are inspired by them. The event was attended by participants from Bahrain, Egypt, UAE, France, UK, France, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Yemen. 


Watch the video of the seminar.



Branch Seminar on “Negotiation Diplomacy: The Key Pillar of International Relations”


On 14 June 2023, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with the CRCICA a seminar on “Negotiation Diplomacy: The Key Pillar of International Relations”, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Ambassador Dr. Kheireldin Abdel Latif, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the moderator was Ambassador Mostafa Kamal, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of the Egypt Branch Committee. 

The speaker presented an overview on the importance of negotiation diplomacy as a basis for international relations by addressing the legal basis for establishing diplomatic relations, the peaceful settlement of international disputes, strategies and tactics of international negotiations, and the factors affecting the international negotiation process.


Watch the video of the seminar.



Hybrid Seminar: “Insurance Claims in Construction Projects"


On 25 June 2023, the Ciarb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the CRCICA the hybrid seminar on “Insurance Claims in Construction Projects”.  The speaker was Eng. Maged Raouf Fayek, Contracts and Commercial Director, Head Office, Contracting & Construction Enterprises Limited at (CCE), Saudi Arabia and the moderator was Eng. Mahmoud El Saadany, Managing Partner, Rights Project Management. 

The speaker focused on the importance of insurance policies for managing and dealing with complex and unpredictable risks in construction projects, as well as protecting the Parties (Employer and Contractor) from financial losses.  The topic was approached through an interactive presentation including case studies and insurance provisions from construction contracts. The seminar offered a comprehensive understanding of insurance policies, common reasons for claims, and efficient strategies for dealing with them.


Watch the video of the webinar.



Egypt Branch Supports Lahore International Disputes Weekend (LIDW) 2023


Egypt Branch was a Supporting Organization for the Lahore International Disputes Weekend (LIDW’23) held on 19-21 May 2023, Pakistan.  LIDW’23 was organized by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Pakistan Branch in collaboration with MK Consultus.

The 3-day event was attended by members of the judiciary in Pakistan, members of Chambers of Commerce, and representatives of private and public entities from various sectors including oil and gas and power and infrastructure.



Q1 2023

New Chair, Vice-Chairs and Honorary Treasurer for the Egypt Branch


On 9 March 2023, Committee members elected by consensus the Branch new officers: Dr. Ismail Selim as Branch Chair, Dr. Dalia Hussein as Vice Chair and Honorary Secretary, Dr. Waleed El Nemr, as Vice Chair and Education and Training Officer, and Dr. Mohamed Hafez as Honorary Treasurer and Data Manager. 



Ciarb Branch Chairs Meeting


On 1 March 2023, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, represented the Branch at the virtual Ciarb Branch Chairs meeting with the Ciarb Senior Management Team. Discussions focused on new criteria for the fellowship grade, new Ciarb Branches, updates on the Ciarb website, approval on the “Chartered Adjudicator” grade, volunteer strategy, and data protection.  The Branch Chair answered questions related to the Branch concerns and the domestic development in our region.   Prof. Abdel Raouf announced that he reached the end of his term in accordance to the Branch Model Rules, and that a new Chair will be elected in the next Committee meeting. The Ciarb senior officers appreciated the dedication and support of Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf for the progress of the Branch.



Ciarb Treasurer Meeting


On 24 February 2023, Dr. Ismail Selim, Branch Vice-Chair and Honorary Treasurer, represented the Branch at the virtual Ciarb Treasurer Meeting.  The Branch had submitted full year return (2022) to the Branch Network Support on 31 January 2023. 

Mr. Jim O’Donnell , Executive Director of IT & Digital Transformation DT introduced the Branch Treasurers Tech update and Ciarb new systems.  He focused on the Ciarb experience platform (integrating all areas through single sign on), new membership system (making it easier for Branches and members to interact directly), new website (all Branches will be present) and HQ and the Branches’ development with the Ciarb rebranding.



Ciarb Egypt Branch Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Ciarb Egypt Branch was held in hybrid format on 9 March 2022. 14 members attended the AGM attended in person, at the Branch seat at CRCICA and 24 members attended virtually. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, the Branch Chair, presided and delivered a presentation covering the activities of the Branch in 2022 and early 2023. The presentation included an overview of the Branch membership, activities of the second mentoring cycle 2022-2023, MENA Branch Chair Meetings and Treasurers Meetings, Branch networking platform, and the Branch’s webinars and trainings delivered by renowned speakers. Dr. Ismail Selim, the Branch Honorary Treasurer, presented the financial statement of the Branch.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, announced that he reached the end of his term and will step down as Branch Chair according to the Branch Model Rules. The new Branch Chair will be elected in the Branch Committee meeting to be held on 9 March 2023 (immediately following the current AGM).  The next Branch AGM was scheduled to be held on 23 April 2024.



First Branch Committee Meeting 2023


The first Committee Meeting of the Ciarb Egypt Branch was held in hybrid format on 9 March 2023.  Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee meeting as recorded on 22 December 2022.  The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented a brief on the Ciarb Senior Management Team meeting held on 6 February 2023 and Ciarb Branch Chair meeting held on 1 March 2023.   The Branch Honorary Treasurer, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the Branch Treasurer virtual meeting held on 24 February 2023 .

Members discussed other items of the agenda including the election of new Branch officers.  Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, stepped down as the Chair of the Branch according to the Branch Model Rules.  The Committee members unanimously elected by consensus the following Branch new officers: Dr. Ismail Selim (Branch Chair), Dr. Dalia Hussein (Vice Chair and Honorary Secretary), Dr. Waleed El Nemr (Vice Chair and Education and Training Officer), and Dr. Mohamed Hafez (Honorary Treasurer and Data Manger).  Committee members heartedly recognized the distinguished leadership and dedication of Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf and appreciated his tireless efforts and valuable contributions to the Branch.  The Branch next Committee meeting was agreed to be held on 14 June 2023.



Branch Events


Seminar: “Debate on the DIPCO Case”


On 4 January 2023, the Ciarb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the CRCICA a seminar titled “A Debate on the DIPCO Case”, a controversial decision recently issued by the Egyptian Court of Cassation related to the setting aside of international arbitral awards in Egypt.  The speakers  were Prof. Dr. Hani Sarie-Eldin, Founder & Managing Partner, Sarie El Din and Partners Law Firm and Professor of Commercial & Maritime Law at Cairo University, and Dr. Mohamed Aboul-Saoud,  Founding Partner of HYKMA Attorneys at Law.  The debate was moderated by Mr. Taher Hozayen, lawyer and arbitrator, Patron of the Ciarb Egypt Branch.  The seminar was attended by 115 participants mostly from legal background.


Watch the video of the debate.



Branch Seminar on the “Role of the WTO in Regulating Trade Relations and Settlement of Trade Disputes”


On 1 February 2023 , the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar on  “The Role of the WTO in Regulating Trade Relations and Settlement of Trade Disputes”, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Ambassador Dr. Mounir Zahran, former Chairman of the Joint Inspection Unit of the UN System Organizations and the moderator was Ambassador Mostafa Kamal, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of the Egypt Branch Committee. 

The speaker presented an overview of the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva in January 1995, the organization's negotiations to liberalize trade in services, its role in regulating trade relations between states and its experiences in the settlement of trade disputes between member states through the dispute settlement body.


Watch the video of the seminar.



Seminar: “International Arbitration Trends in 2023 - An African Perspective: What is Now, What is Next?”

On 28 February 2023, the Ciarb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the CRCICA the webinar on “International Arbitration Trends in 2023 - An African Perspective: What is Now, What is Next?”  The speakers were Mr. Jean-François Le Gal, Partner, Pinsent Masons LLP and Honorary Secretary of the Ciarb London Branch, Mr. Girgis Abd El Shahid, Managing Partner, Shahid Law Firm, and Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of the CRCICA and Vice-Chair of the Egypt Branch.  The event was moderated by Ambassador Mostafa Kamal, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of the Egypt Branch Committee. 


The event approached the international arbitration trends in 2023 in light of the findings of the recent SOAS Arbitration in Africa Survey and the increase in infrastructure and energy-related Disputes in light of the 2022 Energy Arbitration Survey conducted by the School of International Arbitration (SIA), Queen Mary University of London in partnership with Pinsent Masons.


 Mr. Le Gal focused on the main drivers of Africa-connected disputes, as showed by the SOAS Survey, and connected the surveys’ findings in relation to infrastructure and energy disputes.  Mr. Abd El-Shahid attempted to apply some of the responses in the Queen Mary/Pinsent Masons Survey to Egypt taking the Benban Solar Park Project and its associated contracts as a reference. He concluded his speech by providing a practical analysis of the most popular arbitral seats for energy disputes, with a reflection on Cairo being a potential “go-to” arbitral seat of energy disputes.  Dr. Ismail Selim presented the arbitral institution’s view regarding infrastructure and energy disputes and their arbitration agreements.  Ambassador Mostafa Kamal gave insights on the Egyptian governmental view of this kind of disputes.


Watch the video of the webinar.




Q4 2022

Fourth Branch Committee Meeting 2022

The fourth Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 2 December 2022. Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 6 September 2022. The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented a brief on the CIArb Congress held on 8-9 November 2022, which included a discussion amongst a number of the Chairs of CIArb Branches about what can branches do to assist members to get appointments as arbitrator, adjudicator and mediator. Dr. Abdel Rauf reported the re-election of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab as the CIArb Trustee Board Member for the Middle Eastern Indian Sub-continent Region and his election as CIArb President from January 2025. The Branch Chair also presented a brief on CIArb Chair Meeting and CIArb AGM held successively on 26 and 29 September 2022. The meetings focused on the approval on the proposed amendments to the Charter, By-Laws, and BoT appointments of non-legal background.


The Branch Vice-Chair and Treasurer, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the Branch Treasurers' Meeting held on 15 - 17 November 2022. The Treasurer meeting focused on the approval of the 2022 half-year pack, IT update, and CIArb rebranding. Members discussed other items of the agenda including the Branch Development Plan and Budget 2023, latest update on the Branch membership, Branch AFL status, possible cooperation with Metropolis Academy in Jordan and the UAE Branch. Discussions also approached the Branch future events including a seminar on a recent important Egyptian court decision related to arbitration and administrative decisions (the DIPCO Case), scheduled on 4 January 2023, a course on: Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP) scheduled in May 2023, qualifying for the membership of the CIArb to be organized by the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) jointly with the Branch, and a seminar on the Cross examination of experts. The next Branch AGM and Committee meeting were scheduled on 8 March 2023.



CIArb Chair Meeting and CIArb AGM

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, represented the Branch at the virtual CIArb Chair Meeting and AGM held successively on 26 and 29 September 2022. Discussions focused on the approval on the proposed amendments to the Charter and By-Laws (more than 90% approved the proposed amendments); amendments focused on best practices while BoT amendments included the appointments of non-legal background, the implementation of new CIArb Brand, renewal and revocation campaign, and extending the early bird discounted membership fee until February 2023.



CIArb Congress and Presidential Elections 2022

On 8-9 November 2022, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, represented the Branch at the virtual CIArb Congress and Presidential Elections. Prof Dr. Abdel Raouf spoke at a session held on 9 November 2022 moderated by the Chair of London Branch. The panel also included the Chairs of Australia, Brazil, Egypt, India, New York, and Zambia Branches.


The speakers gave an overview in response to the question: What can branches do to assist members to get appointments as arbitrator, adjudicator and mediator. The Egypt Branch Chair presented the opportunities provided by the Egypt Branch and the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) to qualify its members for possible enrolment on CRCICA’s panel of arbitrators including; Branch Mentoring Programme, Branch training courses qualifying for the CIArb Membership, Branch capacity building trainings, Branch Wednesday One Seminars and other events providing opportunities of speaking for talented young practitioners with different backgrounds and networking for the Branch members. The elections for the positions of Deputy President 2023 (President 2024) and Vice President 2023 (Deputy President 2024 and President 2025) took place in the opening session of Congress. Jonathan Wood and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab were elected CIArb Presidents for 2024 and 2025 respectively.



CIArb Treasurer Meeting

On 15-17 November 2022, Dr. Ismail Selim, Branch Vice-Chair and Honorary Treasurer, represented the Branch at the virtual CIArb Treasurer Meeting held on 15-17 November 2022. The agenda of the Meeting included an update on the CIArb initiatives regarding automation of branch financial templates and extranet, Branch Financial Reporting; including 2022 Half year pack, Branch Grants- 2nd tranche, Branch Plan Feedback, Branch Handbook, and new branding templates. The meeting also reported the approval on the Branch Budget 2023 by the CIArb Director of Finance, Planning and Reporting.



Seminar on International Arbitration and International Judiciary

On 5 October 2022, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar on International Arbitration and International Judiciary, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Prof. Dr. Moufid Shehab, professor of international law at Cairo University, former Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research , and former Minister of Legal Affairs and Parliamentary Councils, the moderator was Ambassador Mohamed Mostafa Kamal MCIArb, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, lawyer and arbitrator, committee member of the CIArb Egypt Branch.


The introduction addressed the peaceful settlement of international disputes and the history of international arbitration, and the distinction between arbitration and adjudication before international courts, as well as the enforcement of international arbitral awards. The speaker also addressed the emergence of the International Court of Justice as a principal organ of the United Nations, the jurisdiction of the ICJ, the enforcement of its decisions.



Seminar on the Extension of Arbitration Agreements to Non-Signatories

On 21 December 2022, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA the seminar on the Extension of Arbitration Agreements to Non-Signatories, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Dr. Sherif Elatafy, Assistant Professor of Law at Ain Shams University, School of Law, Partner at Khodeir and Partners law firm, attorney at the New York State Bar and arbitrator. The moderator was Ambassador Mohamed Mostafa Kamal MCIArb, former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, lawyer and arbitrator, committee member of the CIArb Egypt Branch.


The seminar discussed the practical aspects of the extension of arbitration agreements to non-signatories by examining the factual basis of cases where the parties sought to extend arbitration agreements. He also shed light on recent court decisions in Egypt and the Mena region on this issue. The audience engaged in interesting discussions related to the extent of interference of non-signatories in the negotiation or performance of the contract that lead to an extension to the arbitration agreement to them.


To watch the video of the Seminar, please click here



Egypt Branch Supports the DRBF MENA Regional Conference and Workshop

On 14- 15 November 2022, the Egypt Branch supported the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) MENA Regional Conference and Workshop hosted by the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The DRBF Workshop, held on 14 November 2022, was designed for candidates interested in serving on DBs and implementing DBs for the first time. The Workshop was delivered by experienced DRBF tutors and practitioners. The Programme of the DRBF Conference, held on 15 November 2022, included topics relating to the application of the DB Rules, its best practices and dispute avoidance. Experienced DRBF speakers presented the advantages of DB Rules, CRCICA’s DB Rules, FIDIC and other international DB Rules, and their application in the region, the importance of expertise and of independence and impartiality for successful DBs. The conference was concluded by a roundtable discussion on the distinctive issues and challenges facing DB application by project and DB experts.



Egypt Branch Media Partner to Sharm El Sheikh VIII

Egypt Branch was a Media Partner for the world’s sole biennial conference Sharm El Sheikh VIII on “The Role of State Courts in International Arbitration” scheduled on 5-6 December 2022, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Since 2005, Sharm El Sheikh Conferences have been organized by the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial arbitration (CRCICA) in cooperation with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions (IFCAI) and the Arab Union for International Arbitration (AUIA). This year, the conference is also co-organised with the Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) and the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).


For more information about SHARM EL SHEIKH VIII, please visit the website of the conference.

Q3 2022

Branch Mentoring Programme Manifested

In recognition for the Branch Mentoring Programme, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, and Dr. Dalia Hussein, Branch Honorary Secretary, represented the Branch at the virtual meeting on 8 August 2022 with Mr. David Fong, Chair of the East Asia Branch, and Ms. Isabel Gonzalez, Ciarb Member Services Executive. The meeting aimed at introducing the scheme and guidelines of the Programme as the first mentorship programme initiated by a Ciarb Branch in the region.



Third Branch Committee Meeting 2022

The third Committee Meeting of the Ciarb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 6 September 2022. Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 8 June 2022. The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented a brief on the Ciarb Branch Chair Meeting held on 20 June 2022, the Treasurer Meeting held on 27 July 2022, and the meeting with the Ciarb representatives regarding the Branch Mentoring Programme held on 8 August 2022.


Members discussed other items of the agenda including the nomination of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Member of the Ciarb Board of Trustees, as a candidate for the Ciarb Presidency election and as Trustee for the for the Middle East/Indian Sub-continent Region. Discussions also took place about future Branch events including the webinar on Proving Loss of Productivity Claims in Construction (in cooperation with AACE International - Greater Cairo section) and the first DRBF MENA Region Conference to be held in November 2022.


The next Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 4 December 2022 alongside the Sharm El Sheikh VIII Conference.



Ciarb Treasurer Meeting

On 27 July 2022, Dr. Ismail Selim, Branch Vice-Chair and Honorary Treasurer, represented the Branch at the virtual Ciarb Treasurer Meeting held on 27 July 2022. The agenda of the Meeting included Ciarb’s future initiatives and update on the Branch control document. The Branch had submitted the half-year performance template and bank statement account (until 30 June 2022) to Ciarb Finance and Administration Executive on 31 June 2022.



Branch Webpage Update

Upon the launch of the second cycle of the Branch Mentorship Programme (May 2022 – May 2023), the Branch updated its webpage at the Ciarb website to include information and videos of some activities during the first cycle (2020 - 2021).



Seminar on the Challenges of the Application of the Egyptian Act No 182/2018 Regulating the Contracts Concluded by Public Entities

On 3 July 2022, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a seminar on “The Challenges of the Application of the Egyptian Act No 182/2018 Regulating the Contracts Concluded by Public Entities”, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch).


The event consisted of a panel discussion of expert engineers and lawyers. Expert engineers were Dr. Salwa Fawzy, Contracts Director, Atrium Project Management, and Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Contracts Director, Hill International (Africa) Ltd. Expert lawyers were Mr. Hazim A. Rizkana, Managing Partner, Rizkana & Partners, and Mr. Girgis Abd El-Shahid, Managing Partner of Shahid Law Firm. The panel discussion presented the engineering and legal views on some controversial issues which had arisen during the 4 years that followed the entry into force of the Act.


Attendees, mostly engineers and lawyers, raised interesting questions and comments.


For more information about the Act please click here

For the Executive Regulations of the Act please click here

To watch the video of the seminar please click here



Workshop on CRCICA Dispute Board Rules

On 3-4 September 2022, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA the first Training Workshop on CRCICA Dispute Board Rules, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speakers were Eng. Aisha Nadar, Infrastructure Procurement and Dispute Management at Advokatfirman Runeland AB Law Firm (Sweden/USA/Egypt) who tutored virtually and Dr. Ahmed Waly, Managing Partner, WALY – Arbitration and Contract Administration Firm (Egypt) who tutored in-person. In addition to the distinguished experience of the speakers, they were members of the expert Committee which drafted the DB Rules. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Dalia Hussein, CRCICA Deputy Director and Branch Honorary Secretary.


The Workshop combined lectures and role plays. Participants were divided into groups that addressed real cases and written exercises, either as parties or as DB members, applying the new CRCICA DB Rules. Participants received certificates of attendance after the workshop.


It is worth noting that CRCICA DB Rules were issued in Arabic and English and entered into force on 1st August 2022. They provide a prompt, cost-effective and impartial dispute avoidance and resolution mechanism adapted to all types and sizes of construction projects.



Seminar on The Role of the State Council’s Judiciary in Supervising Arbitration Awards Related to State Contracts

On 7 September 2022, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a Seminar on The Role of the State Council’s Judiciary in Supervising Arbitration Awards Related to State Contracts, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Counselor Monsef Nageeb Soliman, Former Vice-President of the State Council, and Lawyer and Arbitrator. The Moderator was Ambassador Mohamed Mostafa Kamal (MCIArb), Former Assistant Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lawyer and Arbitrator, and Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Ciarb).


The speaker focused on the role of the State Council and the State Council case law related to arbitration in state contracts, starting from the arbitration agreement and ending with the challenge of the arbitration awards.



Hybrid Webinar: Loss of Productivity Claims in Construction

On 26 September 2022, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE), and CRCICA a hybrid webinar on “Loss of Productivity Claims in Construction”. The speaker was Mr. James Jack, Principal, James Zack Consulting, LLC and Senior Advisor, Ankura Construction Forum™, and a Fellow of AACE. The Moderator was Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Contracts Director, Hill International (Africa) Ltd. and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo (Construction Engineering Department).


Dr. El Nemr interviewed the speaker Mr. Zack. They discussed issues and questions previously submitted by participants as well as questions raised during the webinar. Discussions approached the AACE International Recommended Practice (RP) 25R-03 "Estimating Labor Productivity in Construction Claims”. The event was well attended with positive feedback received from the attendees after the event.


Prior to the event, the registrants were provided with documents relevant to the Recommended Practice of the AACE, including Calculating Lost Labor Productivity in Construction Claims AACE RP 25R-03 and Current AACE International Recommended Practice No. 25R-03.


To watch the recording of the event, please click here.



Egypt Branch Media Partner to Sharm El Sheikh VIII

The Egypt Branch is a proud to be a Media Partner for the world’s sole biennial conference Sharm El Sheikh VIII on “The Role of State Courts in International Arbitration” scheduled for 5-6 December 2022, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Since 2005, Sharm El Sheikh Conferences have been organized by the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial arbitration (CRCICA) in cooperation with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions (IFCAI) and the Arab Union for International Arbitration (AUIA). This year, the conference is also co-organized with the Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO).


For more information about the Sharm El Sheikh VIII speakers, venue, accommodation and registration, please click here.

Q2 2022

Second Cycle of the Branch Mentoring Programme

The second cycle of the Branch Mentoring Programme, launched its activities in May 2022. The cycle includes 4 mentoring groups each composed of 4 mentees guided by an expert mentor and active mentor supporter. The Mentors and Supporters of the second cycle held a virtual meeting on 9 May 2022 to exchange views about the best means of delivering a successful programme during the one year cycle. Click here to view the Ciarb LinkedIn. It is worth noting that the Branch Mentoring Programme is the first Programme initiated by a CIArb Branch in the region and exclusive for CIArb young members under 40.


To watch the video of some mentoring activities of the first cycle (2021-2022), please click here



Second Branch Committee Meeting 2022

The second Committee meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held in a hybrid format on 8 June 2022. Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 22 March 2022. Members discussed other items of the agenda including the Committee feedback on two projects suggested by the CIArb, namely; CIArb Member Offer Project and Competence Framework. Members discussed the second cycle of the Branch Mentoring Programme and the Branch approved faculty data in light of the update from the CIArb in May 2022. Discussions also approached the Branch latest updates regarding Membership and Branch future events, including hybrid event on the challenges in the application of the Egyptian Law No 182/2018 on public procurement from construction practitioners’ perspective, the Wednesday One hybrid seminar to be held in September 2022, a YMG event to be held before the end of the year. The next virtual Branch Committee meeting was scheduled for 6 September 2022.



CIArb Branch Chairs Meeting

On 20 June 2022, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Vice Chair and Education and Training Officer, and Dr. Dalia Hussein, Honorary Secretary, represented the Branch at the virtual CIArb Branch Chairs meeting with CIArb key officers. Discussions focused on updates regarding the CIArb Board of Trustees meeting held on 9 June 2022, elections of the Congress and president in 2022, brand implementation, Member Offer and Competence Framework projects, governance reform, education and training, global conference in 2023, and student revocation process.


During the meeting, the Branch Committee feedback and comments on the Member Offer and Competence Framework projects were appreciated by the present CIArb officers.



Webinar on Rules and Practices of International Investment Law and Arbitration

On 24 May 2022, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration “CRCICA” (the seat of the Branch) the webinar to introduce Prof. Yannick Radi’s textbook titled “Rules and Practices of International Investment Law and Arbitration”. The speaker was Prof. Yannick Radi, Professor of International Law at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) and author of the textbook, the moderator was Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of CRCICA.


Prof. Radi spoke about salient features of international investment law and arbitration, how to balance public and private interests, and the impact of such balance on treaty and arbitral practice. He also addressed the current ISDS reform proposals. Attendees raised many questions that led to interesting discussions following Prof. Radi’s presentation. The webinar was attended by 120 participants from 41 countries, namely Algeria, Austria, Burkina, Faso, Cameroon, Canada, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Spain, Sudan, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom United States, and Zambia.


To watch the video of the webinar, please click here.



Networking Event for the First and Second Mentoring Cycles

On the occasion of the closing of the first cycle of the CIArb Egypt Branch Mentoring Programme and the launch of the second cycle (May 2022- May 2023), the Branch organized a networking event gathering the mentors, supporters, and mentees of the two cycles on 8 June 2022 at CRCICA’s conference room.


Mentors from the first and second cycles delivered brief speeches about their experience and the mentoring activities they undertook which included the attendance of arbitration proceedings, mock arbitration and mediation cases, and international arbitration events. Then, a brief video was presented to introduce a glimpse into some of the first cycle activities. To watch the video, please press here.


At the end of the event, members of the first cycle received certificates in recognition and appreciation of their efforts. Eng. Ahmed Moustafa Aboelela, a mentee of the first cycle, commented “I have been introduced & exposed to arbitration-related issues that I would never have imaged I would get introduced to. I have learned and seen some valuable and practical insights of the arbitration process that would have been very hard (nearly impossible) to encounter on my own (through my academic studies)”

Q1 2022

Nagla Nassar, Branch Fellow, interviewed for CIArb Women in ADR campaign

The CIArb Women in ADR campaign featured Prof. Dr. Nagla Nassar (FCIArb), Principal, Nassar Law, as part of its celebration of International Women’s Day 2022.


The campaign featured interviews with leading female ADR practitioners from around the world.


The interview with Prof. Dr. Nassar focused on the challenges she faced when she started her career in a “men’s club”. She highlighted the importance of perseverance and persistence to #Break the Bias.


Read the interview on LinkedIn



First cycle of the Branch Mentoring Programme closes

The first cycle of the Branch Mentoring Programme, which was launched in March 2021, ended in March 2022. The cycle included four mentoring groups, each composed of four mentees guided by an expert mentor and active mentor supporter. This cycle offered a number of interesting activities for the groups, including the conduct of meetings and mock cases at CRCICA premises. 


The feedback forms received by the Branch showed the mentees’ satisfaction with the programme, stating that “the mentoring activities have been effective in their understanding of the arbitration and ADR” and “contributed to their professional development in conducting research and facilitating professional connections and networking”. According to one of the mentees, “I have learned and seen some valuable and practical insights of the arbitration process that would have been very hard (nearly impossible) to encounter on my own (through my academic studies).”


It is worth noting that the Branch Mentoring Programme is the first such initiated by a CIArb Branch in the region and exclusively for CIArb young members under 40. The second cycle begins in May 2022.


Watch a short video of typical mentoring activities.



New Arabic language content available

Egypt Branch constantly updates its webpage on the CIArb website to be more informative for its members and to reflect its activities and services. In response to enquiries about the CIArb, the Branch webpage was recently updated to include a section in the Arabic language for the first time. The Arabic section introduces the CIArb and the Egypt Branch, outlines the benefits of CIArb Membership, details additional benefits provided by the Egypt Branch, and provides information about the training courses provided by the Branch jointly with the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch).


For more videos, visit theBranch YouTube channel.



CIArb Egypt Branch Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held in person at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) and virtually on 22 March 2022. The AGM was attended in person by 15 members and virtually by 18 members. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, the Branch Chair, presided and delivered a PowerPoint presentation covering the activities of the Branch in 2021 and early 2022. 


The presentation included an overview of Branch membership, an evaluation of the first mentoring cycle 2020-2021, the Branch networking platform and webpage update, and the Branch’s webinars and training delivered by renowned speakers. Dr. Ismail Selim, the Branch Honorary Treasurer, presented the financial statement of the Branch. Members discussed the nomination of Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab (FCIArb), Former President of the Branch, for the post of the CIArb President, and the Branch’s future events planned for 2022.



First Branch Committee Meeting of 2022

The first Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held in person at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) and virtually on 22 March 2022.


Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 30 November 2021. The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented a brief on the CIArb Branch Chair Meetings held on 1 December 2021 and 21 February 2022. Branch Treasurer, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the Branch Treasurer virtual meeting held on 9 February 2022. In addition, members discussed Branch membership, evaluation of the first cycle of the Branch mentoring programme, and two CIArb internal projects being led by HQ. Discussions also covered the Branch’s future events; inter alia, workshop on CRCICA Dispute Board Rules, networking event for Mentoring Groups of the first cycle, and other legal and engineering topics suggested by Branch Members for the Branch Development Plan 2022. The next Branch Committee meeting is scheduled for 8 June 2022.



Joint webinar on ‘Insights into the Qatari and Egyptian Arbitration Laws’

On 13 February 2022, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with the Qatar Branch and the CRCICA a webinar on ‘Insights into the Qatari and Egyptian Arbitration Laws’. The speakers, representing the two Branches, were Dr. Khaled Attia, Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution, Al-Tamimi & Co Egypt Office and Dr. Zain Al Abdin Sharar, Senior Legal Counsel - CEO’s Office, Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution Centre. The event was moderated by Mr. Taher Hozayen, Lawyer and Arbitrator, Patron of the CIArb Egypt Branch.


Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Vice-Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch, and Eng. Saad Hegazy, CIArb Qatar Branch Board Member delivered the opening speeches. The speakers focused on the main aspects of Egyptian and Qatari arbitration laws, and the issues and questions arising out of their implementation. The closing remarks were delivered by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch, and Eng. Ahmed Al Ansari, Chair of the CIArb Qatar Branch. The webinar was conducted in the Arabic language with simultaneous translation into the English language. It was attended by 120 participants from 28 countries including Algeria, Canada, Egypt, India, Kenya, Qatar, Spain, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the USA.


Watch the video of the webinar



Branch Seminar on Impartiality of Arbitrators

On 22 March 2022, the Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA a hybrid seminar on ‘The Impartiality of Arbitrators’, held at CRCICA (the seat of the Branch). The speaker was Dr. Karim El Chazli, MJur (Oxford), PhD (Sorbonne), Legal advisor at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, and the moderator was Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Chair of the Egypt Branch, Attorney at law, Partner and Head of the international Arbitration Group at ABDEL RAOUF LAW FIRM.


Dr. El Chazli presented an overview of the main issues he discussed in his PhD dissertation ‘L'impartialité de l'arbitre’published in 2020. He focused on the importance of the impartiality of arbitrators; the distinction between the concepts of impartiality, independence and neutrality; the sanction for the breach of the duty to disclose in light of recent decisions of the Egyptian Court of Cassation; the circumstances that give rise to risks of partiality; and the impartiality of party-appointed arbitrators.


Attendees participated actively in the webinar through interesting questions and comments which focused on the impartiality of party-appointed arbitrators and the prevailing view according to which party-appointed arbitrators and presiding arbitrators should be subjected to the same impartiality standards. 40 participants attended the seminar in person, while 165 participants attended virtually. Participants attended from 22 countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, France, Bahrain, USA, Malaysia, India, Australia, and the UK.


Watch the video of the seminar.



Egypt Branch Supports the IFCAI- CRCICA Webinar.

Egypt Branch was a supporting organization for the webinar ‘The Wind of Reforms of Major Institutional Rules’, held on 7 February 2022. The webinar was organized by the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions (IFCAI) jointly with the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), in the framework of IFCAI's biennial conferences. It included, for the first time in an online international format, interventions by prominent speakers from  key worldwide arbitration institutions, including the ICC, the LCIA, the SCC, the SIAC, the ICDR-AAA, the BCDR, the Swiss Centre, the CAM and the MIAC.


Watch excerpts from the webinar.


Watch the Q1 2022 video here



Q4 2021

Egypt Branch Activities Featured on the CIArb ESolver

The October 2021 edition of the CIArb eSolver posted a video covering the activities and news of the Egypt Branch during the second and third quarters.  The video highlighted the Branch unprecedented events during that period including the  first joint CIArb Egypt-CIArb London Webinar, the first Joint CIArb Egypt-CIArb London Young Member Group (YMG) Webinar, and the first CIArb Egypt Workshop in Arabic on Witness Cross-Examination. The Branch new social media developments were also covered.


Watch the video



Profile of a Branch Committee Member Featured on the CIArb ESolver

The November 2021 edition of the CIArb eSolver featured the profile of the Branch YMG Representative Ms. Natasha Shiraz (FCIArb), Legal Director, Corporate Legal Department at Orascom Construction.  The profile included information about the experience of Ms. Shirazi in the ADR field and how CIArb membership benefited her career. Recent developments of the Egypt Branch devoted to young members were also highlighted, especially  the launch of the Mentoring Programme and the YMG.


Commenting on the best thing about being a Member/Fellow of the CIArb Ms. Shirazi stated: “One unique aspect of being a Fellow of the CIArb, and being a member of the Egypt Branch, is the opportunity to interact with ADR professionals who are not lawyers.  In our Egypt Branch, the majority of CIArb members are in fact engineers. As a lawyer, I find this diversity to be enriching to my own experience”.



CIArb Branch Chairs Meetings

On 12 October 2021, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, represented the Branch at the virtual CIArb Branch Chairs meeting with CIArb key officers including Ms. Catherine Dixon, CIArb Director General and Mr. Jim O’Donnell, Director of IT and Digital Transformation.  Discussions focused on the CIArb campaign to raise membership, increasing membership fees for the sustainability of the CIArb, technology update, CIArb online global calendar, and IT Roadmap.


On 1 December 2021, Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Vice Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch, represented the Branch at the last round of virtual CIArb Branch Chairs meetings in 2021.  Discussions approached the November Board of Trustees Meeting, the 2022 annual plans and planning for 2022 training in light of the Education and Training Reform, governance issues relating to the evaluation of the consultation feedback on governance reform and the relevant governance reform appointed organisation to help recruit to sub committees, the 2022 subscriptions and renewals process, and technology update on CIArb Zoom service for branches and CIArb online Global Calendar.



Egypt Branch Supports CRCICA’s Dispute Board Rules Launching Events

Egypt Branch was among the supporting organizations for a series of events organized to launch CRCICA new Dispute Board Rules (“DB Rules”). The events were held virtually on 4 &5 October 2021 and were introduced by Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of CRCICA and Egypt Branch Vice Chair, and moderated by Ms. Aisha Nadar, Infrastructure Procurement and Dispute Management, Advokatfirman Runeland, Sweden. Other supporters were Dispute Resolution Board Foundation, Pinsent Masons, and African Arbitration Association.


CRCICA DB Rules were drafted through the guidance of existing institutional rules and the comprehensive input and invaluable contributions of the CRCICA’s DB Committee, which included renowned experts in the field of the DB from around the world.  The DB Rules, issued in Arabic, English and will shortly be issued in French, provide a prompt, cost-effective and impartial dispute avoidance and resolution mechanisms adapted to all types and sizes of construction projects. The DB Rules were issued to meet the increasing demand of the domestic, regional and international business and construction communities. They became in force  as of 1 August 2021.


Further Information



Egypt Branch Supports the virtual DRBF Middle East/North Africa (MENA) Regional Conference

Egypt Branch was a supporting organization for the virtual Middle East/North Africa (MENA) Regional Conference organized by the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) held on 4 November 2021. The Conference’s agenda included an overview of DB application and best practices, practical tips for DB award writing, and enforceability of DB decisions in the region. The agenda also included a case study of a successful DB process related to a project in the Middle East.  


It is worth noting that, among the eminent speakers of the event were Dr. Ahmed Waly, Committee Member of the CIArb Egypt Branch and Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Vice Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch and Egypt’s representative of the DRBF.


Further Information



Fourth Branch Virtual Committee Meeting

The fourth Committee meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 30 November 2021.  Members approved the agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 28 September 2021.  The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented a brief on the virtual meeting with CIArb Leader of Project to Develop a New Communication Strategy held on 5 October 2021, and a brief on the virtual meeting with CIArb key officers held on 12 October 2021; attended by CIArb Director General and Director of IT and Digital Transformation.  Branch Treasurer, Dr. Ismail Selim, presented a brief on the Branch Treasurer virtual meeting held on 22 October 2021.


Members discussed other items of the agenda including an update on Branch membership, application for CIArb AFL, students’ membership, and the nomination of Dr. Mohamed Hafez, Branch Committee Member, to be the Branch Data Manager.  Discussions also approached the Branch future events; namely the training course on Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP), qualifying for the membership of the CIArb scheduled on 19-26 December 2021, Wednesday One virtual lecture on “The Impartiality of Arbitrators” scheduled on 22 March 2022, an event on the pros and cons of cross witness examination, an event on arbitration from the prospective of in-house counsel,  and a networking event for the mentoring groups at the end of the Branch first cycle of the Mentoring Programme.  The next Branch Committee meeting and AGM was scheduled on 22 March 2022.



Training Course on Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice

On 19-26 December 2021, the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) organized jointly with the CIArb Egypt Branch the third round of the Training Course on Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP) after the renewal of CRCICA’s license as an accredited Recognized Course Provider (RCP) in 2020.  The CCATP course is equivalent to the CIArb Module (I) on international arbitration and qualifies successful candidates to apply for the membership of the CIArb.


The course program covered the most important issues in international arbitration and ADR: overview of ADR mechanisms, arbitration agreements, arbitral tribunals, arbitral proceedings, arbitral awards and post-awards remedies.


The course was tutored by Prof. Dr. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab, Chair of Private International Law and Professor of International Arbitration at Cairo University, Founding Partner & Head of the International Arbitration, Construction, Oil & Gas and Projects Groups, Zulficar & Partners Law Firm; Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Attorney at Law, Partner and Head of the International Arbitration Group at Abdel Raouf Law Firm, Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch, Associate Professor at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of the CRCICA, Vice-Chair of the CIArb Egypt Branch, Lecturer at Pantheon Sorbonne University Paris (Cairo Branch), and Dr. Dalia Hussein, Deputy Director of the CRCICA, Honorary Secretary of the CIArb Egypt Branch, Lecturer of Commercial and Maritime Law at the Faculty of Law Zagazig University and Adjunct Professor of Law at the American University in Cairo.


Reference texts comprised an unprecedented collection of documents including the most recent institutional rules, model and national laws, guidelines and code of ethics. It also included comparative state court decisions from the most pertinent jurisdictions, and a large number of analytical articles by renowned scholars and expert commentaries. The examination included various questions and a complex mock case carefully prepared based on CRCICA’s accumulative experience over 40 years in the administration of arbitration cases. 37 Participants attended the course were mostly lawyers, civil and construction engineers and academics from Egypt, KSA, and UAE.


Watch the Video



Webinar including a Mock Mediation Construction Case

With the objective of raising awareness about mediation in the construction industry, the Egypt Branch concluded its events in 2021 with a very special webinar: A Mock Mediation Construction Case organized by the Branch jointly with the CRCICA on 26 December 2021.  The event was conducted in a unique format, starting with an opening speech followed by one-hour video comprising a role play of the various key stages of a mediation process; previously shot at the CRCICA (the seat of the Branch) and acted by the five experienced speakers, and finally concluding with an open discussion with the participants on the mock case content in the video.


The speakers, all members of the Branch Committee, were Dr. Ahmed Waly; Managing Partner of Waly – Arbitration and Contract Administration Firm, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University, and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Construction Engineering at the AUC, Eng. Ahmed Afifi; Contracts Manager, Hill International (Africa) Ltd, Dr. Salwa Fawzy; Contracts Director at Atrium Project Management, Instructor at the American University in Cairo, Eng. Mahmoud El Saadany; Founder and General Manager of Rights for Project Management Consultancy Firm, and Dr. Waleed El Nemr; Contracts Director, Hill International (Africa) Ltd, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo. The speakers acted as the parties in a typical mediation case and included a mediator, a contractor (CEO) and the contractor project manager on one hand and a subcontractor CEO and subcontractor project manager on the other hand.  The event concluded after lively discussions with the attendees. 276 participants attended from Albania, Algeria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Yemen.


The opening speech, delivered by Dr. El Nemr, included a tribute to two Former Committee Members of the Egypt Branch: Eng. Tamer Nabieh, Hill International (Africa) Ltd, Honorary Treasurer of the Egypt Branch and Ms. Wissam El Molla, Associate Director, Head of Conferences, Training and External Relations Department, CRCICA, Honorary Secretary of the Egypt Branch, both untimely passed away in October 2019. Dr. El Nemr praised their invaluable contributions to the Branch and the efforts they devoted its development as well as their support to all the Branch activities.


Watch the Video

View all branch events for Q4 2021.


Q3 2021

Chair of the CIARB Egypt Branch Elected as Egypt's Alternate Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration

Prof Dr Mohamed Abdel Raouf, Attorney at Law, Partner and Head of the International Arbitration Group at Abdel Raouf Law Firm and Chair of CIArb Egypt Branch, was elected by the ICC World Council as Egypt's Alternate Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration for a three-year term starting on 1 July 2021.  Commenting on his appointment, Professor Abdel Raouf stated “I am grateful and honored to be elected by the ICC World Council as Egypt's alternate member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration for a three-year term starting 1 July 2021. I look forward to being useful and to working with my fellow ICC Court members from around the world led by Claudia Salomon, the first female President of the ICC Court”.


Find out more



CIArb Egypt Branch Second Committee Meeting

The second Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was conducted virtually on 7 July 2021.  Members approved the Agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 6 April 2021.  The Branch Chair, Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf, presented the CIArb Education and Training update following Q2 2020 Branch Chairs Meetings. The update included change in 4 processes namely, course approvals, faculty applications, course delivery, and Assessments and Calendar.  Members agreed on some initiatives to encourage social networking with Branch members including the initiation of a Networking Directory and the making of videos and other materials to promote the Branch Mentoring Programme.  Members discussed other items of the agenda including approving the Charter and Vision of the Branch YMG. Discussions also approached the Branch future events; namely, Workshop in Arabic on Witness Cross-Examination, joint CRCICA- Egypt Branch launching event on CRCICA’s Dispute Board (DB) Rules, and ARM course.  The next Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 28 September 2021.



First CIArb Joint Egypt- London YMG Webinar "Good Faith" and Construction Contracts: English and Egyptian Perspectives

On 20 July 2021, the Young Members Groups (YMG) of the CIArb Egypt Branch and the CIArb London Branch jointly organized the first Egypt- London YMG Webinar title "Good Faith and Construction Contracts: English and Egyptian Perspectives”, hosted by the London Branch.  The moderator was Ms. Aisha Nadar, Senior Consultant, Advokatfirman Runeland (Sweden).  The speakers were Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm, Professor of International Arbitration, Private International Law and English Contract Law at Cairo University (Egypt), and Mr. Robert Price, Solicitor Advocate, Member of the International Arbitration Practice at the London Office of Latham & Watkins, Representative of the London Branch's YMG (UK).   The panel focused on good faith from both the English and Egyptian perspectives, how it impacts substantive obligations in construction contracts and how it impacts dispute resolution provisions.


The webinar was exclusive for young CIArb members.  60 participants attended the webinar from Canada, Egypt, Germany India, Kuwait, Mexico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and UK. Ben Giaretta, Chair of London Branch, commented: “ The Young Members Group of the CIArb London Branch held a very successful joint seminar with the YMG of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Egypt Branch”


CIArb YMGs bring together dispute resolution practitioners and students below the age of 40. Egypt YMG presents opportunities for Egypt Branch Members to participate and benefit from activities catered to them, both within the Branch and other CIArb Branches’ YMGs. 


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First Workshop in Arabic on: Witness Cross-Examination in International Arbitration

On 16 September 2021, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA the first workshop in Arabic on Witness Cross-Examination in International Arbitration, hosted by CRCICA.  Speakers were Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim, Independent Arbitrator and Founder of Ibrahim ADR (Dubai), Ms. Sara Koleilat-Aranjo, Partner at Al-Tamimi & Company (Dubai), and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy Groups at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm and Professor of International Arbitration and Private International Law at Cairo University (Egypt).  The one-day workshop was held physically with a limited number of attendees to ensure social distancing and other precautionary measures.


The workshop programme comprised a number of lectures and a practical training session. Lectures focused on the approaches of the Civil Law and Common Law systems regarding cross-examination of witnesses, the steps to cross-examine witnesses and the main mistakes that should be avoided to conduct a successful cross-examination. The last session of the workshop included a practical training on a mock case. Participants were divided into groups where they played the roles of witnesses, lawyers and arbitrators.  Participants were lawyers, civil and construction engineers and academics from Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, and KSA.  They received certificates of attendance at the end of the workshop.  Participants praised the content and organization or the workshop in their posts and comments on social media platforms.


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CIArb Egypt Branch Third Committee Meeting

The third Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was conducted virtually on 28 September 2021.  Members approved the Agenda of the meeting and the minutes of the latest Committee Meeting as recorded on 7 July 2021.  Prof Dr Abdel Raouf, Branch Chair, presented the Branch Development Plan 2022; Dr Ismail Selim, Honorary Treasurer, presented the Branch Budget 2022. Branch members shared views on the topics of the Branch events in 2022 as they were invited to contribute to the Branch Development Plan through a poll survey. Committee Members discussed and approved the Branch Development Plan and Budget 2022.


Prof Dr Abdel Raouf presented the Branch the new social networking activities aiming to encourage communication with Branch members including, the Branch YouTube Channel, the promotional and wrap-up videos of the Branch events on the Branch LinkedIn page, as well as the LinkedIn Performance Report to measure the involvement with the Branch activities and the members’ feedback. He also pointed out that the Membership Directory was being linked to the Branch webpage, and that   Members were also able to update their profiles at the Branch Directory on the newly initiated Branch WhatsApp group.


The Branch Chair also presented a brief on CIArb Branch Chair MENA region virtual meeting with CIArb Director General held on 12 July 2021.  The Branch Honorary Treasurer presented a brief on CIArb Branch Treasurers' virtual Meeting with CIArb Assistant Director of Finance, Planning and Reporting held on 12 July 2022.  Members discussed the activities of the Branch first Cycle of Mentoring Programme, and upcoming events including, the CIArb ARM and Comparative Commercial Arbitration: Theory and Practice (CCATP) courses, joint CRCICA/Egypt Branch launch event of CRCICA’s Dispute Board Rules, Wednesday One events. They also suggested holding seminars to introduce the most important recent publications interesting the members of the Branch, and a networking meeting for members of the First Cycle of the Mentoring Programme in Q1 2022. The next Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 30 November 2021.  The Branch Annual General Meeting was scheduled on 22 March 2022.



Egypt Branch New Networking Platform

As part of the Egypt Branch activities to develop networking opportunities for the members, the Branch has activated a number of social media platforms to encourage members to express their views about the Branch activities,  help them to network and interact with the arbitration community in Egypt and the region, and benefit from the experiences of other members.


Q2 2021

CIArb Egypt Branch Annual General Assembly Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the CIArb Egypt Branch was held virtually on 6 April 2021. The AGM was attended by 40 members. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, the Branch Chairperson, presided the meeting and announced the results of the first contested Committee election to fill three vacancies in the Branch Committee, including the number of votes for each candidates, as well as the names of the new elected Committee members.  Prof. Dr. Abdel Raouf gave a PowerPoint presentation covering the activities of the Branch in 2020 and early 2021, including membership overview, the beginning of the first cycle 2020-2021 of the Branch Mentoring program in March 2021, the launch of the Branch Young Members Group (YMG) and the Branch’s webinars and trainings delivered by renowned experienced speakers. Dr. Ismail Selim, the Branch Honorary Treasurer, presented the financial statement of the Branch. Members discussed interesting future events planned for 2021, including training courses, seminars and webinars.



CIArb Egypt Branch Committee Meeting

The first Committee Meeting of the CIArb Egypt Branch was conducted virtually, following the AGM, on 6 April 2021. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Raouf, the Branch Chairperson, welcomed the new three elected Committee Members taking their office starting from the AGM date. The Chairperson presented the report on the Branch’s Activities (2020– early 2021). Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Branch Education and Training Officer, gave an update on Branch current Approved Faculty List. Members shared thoughts about the Branch initiatives for young members, namely; the first cycle of Branch Mentoring Programme and the formation of Branch YMG. Members discussed other topics of the agenda including the cooperation with London Branch, the establishment of the “Chartered Arbitrator” grade, and the update of the Branch Webpage. The next virtual Branch Committee meeting was scheduled on 7 July 2021. 



Good Faith in Construction Contracts in Egypt - What does it mean? 

On May 19, 2021, the CIArb Egypt Branch organized jointly with CRCICA an interactive webinar on "Good Faith in Construction Contracts in Egypt - What does it mean?" The speakers were Dr. Waleed El Nemr, Contracts Director, Hill International (Africa) Ltd and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo, and Dr. Engy Serag, Executive Director, Contracts and Claims at Orascom Construction and Adjunct Faculty at the American University in Cairo. 


The Speakers started with an introduction on the concept of good faith, then proceeded to address scenarios involving issues of good faith, from both contractors and employers perspectives. After each scenario, attendees shared their views on these scenarios through chat and through voice/video. A total of 230 persons attended the event from Belgium, Burkina Faso, Canada, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Ireland, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Tanzania, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and USA. The webinar was a great success as demonstrated by the encouraging feedbacks and comments of the participants. 


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First Joint CIArb Egypt - CIArb London Webinar on: Procedural Paranoia in International Arbitration: Is the Vaccine in Sight or Shall We Expect the Disease to Spread Further?” 

On 26 May 2021, CIArb Egypt Branch and CIArb London Branch organized for the first time, in cooperation with CRCICA, their first joint webinar titled “Procedural Paranoia in International Arbitration: Is the Vaccine in Sight or Shall We Expect the Disease to Spread Further?” The panel of speakers included Dr. Sally El Sawah, Founding Partner & Principal of El Sawah Law (Paris) and Dr. Rémy Gerbay, Partner, MoloLamken LLP. The moderators were Dr. Ismail Selim, Director of CRCICA and Vice-Chair of the CIArb Egypt branch, in representation of the Egypt Branch, and Mr. Jean-François Le Gal, Partner at Pinsent Masons LLP, in representation of the London Branch. Dr. Selim delivered an inaugural speech introducing the Egypt Branch, its establishment in 1999 as the first gateway to CIArb education in the region at that time, its services and activities. 


The webinar was a lively debate; the speakers shared their views, forecasts, war stories, and suggestions on ways to cure the ‘due process paranoia’ issue. Some of the views expressed by panel members included “the need for arbitrators to be robust and show courage”. Other views included the idea that further “soft law-type codification of acceptable practices”, similarly to what has been seen recently in relation to virtual hearings. 


The webinar also included polls enabling the audience to express their views. 


At the end of the webinar, Mr. Ben Giaretta, Chair of the CIArb London Branch, concluded that due process paranoia will remain in arbitration and we have to find ways to deal and respond to it as we currently do with covid 19. He also expressed his wish for more future collaboration and joint events organized by both Egypt and London branches of the CIArb. 


The webinar was attended by 116 participants from Egypt, the UK, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Greece, Guyana, India, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, and the USA. 



Webinar on: Top Ten Issues in International Construction and Related Disputes 

On 2 June 2021, the CIArb Egypt Branch jointly with CRCICA organized the webinar on “Top Ten Issues in International Construction and Related Disputes". The moderator was Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab, Founding Partner and Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm, Professor of International Arbitration, Private International Law and English Contract Law at Cairo University. The speaker was Dr. Hamish Lal, Partner, AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD. 


After setting the topography of international construction projects, claims and disputes worked through, Dr. Lal explained a list of ten issues that are fundamental to understanding, managing, quantifying and resolving international construction disputes. He also considered issues that are currently of concern internationally, such as the use of standard form contracts (i.e. FIDIC) and multi-tier dispute resolution clauses. 


Attendees participated actively in the webinar through interesting questions and comments. Their questions and comments focused on notices as a condition precedent to entitlement and the interface with civil code rights on prescription / limitation, the right to payment for variations instructed orally, the failure of an Engineer to timely issue a Determination, the application of civil codes, hot-tubbing of experts in international arbitration, and enforcement of DAB decisions. 


The webinar was attended by 200 participants from Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Barbados, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Canada Cyprus, Egypt, France Germany, India, Ireland, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritius, Netherlands, Nigeria, Palestinian, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sudan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States. They were from various legal and engineering backgrounds, and included senior judges from the Egyptian Court of Cassation.


Q2 & Q3 2021

6 April 2021
CIArb Egypt Branch Annual General Assembly Meeting

6 April 2021
CIArb Egypt Branch Committee Meeting

May 19 2021
Webinar on Good Faith in Construction Contracts in Egypt: What does it mean?

26 May 2021
First Joint CIArb Egypt/CIArb London Webinar on Procedural Paranoia in International Arbitration: "Is the Vaccine in Sight or Shall We Expect the Disease to Spread Further?”

2 June 2021
Webinar on: Top Ten Issues in International Construction and Related Disputes

7 July 2021
CIArb Egypt Branch Second Committee Meeting

20 July 2021
First Joint CIArb Egypt/CIArb London YMG Webinar "Good Faith" and Construction Contracts: English and Egyptian Perspectives

16 September 2021
CIArb Egypt Workshop in Arabic on Witness Cross-Examination 


The Latest in the Ciarb Egypt Branch Scene