Why choose Canada?
Canada is one of the best places in the world to arbitrate international disputes. Canada’s major urban centres in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver are more convenient, less expensive and more reliable places to conduct arbitrations than many of the world’s traditional centres.
CIArb Canada has approximately 200 members in four Chapters across the country: British Columbia, Alberta, Toronto, and Montreal/Ottawa. CIArb Canada:
- Provides training and courses to develop dispute resolution skills and to achieve CIArb accreditation as an Associate, Member or Fellow
- Develops educational programming presented at CIArb Canada events
- Hosts networking opportunities for ADR professionals
- Publishes a newsletter providing up-to-date information about matters of interest to ADR professionals and about the Branches activities
- Hosts an annual Fall Symposium on selected ADR topics.

Canada was the first jurisdiction to adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, and the various jurisdictions within Canada are beginning to adopt the revised 2006 version of the Model Law.
Major Canadian cities have excellent arbitration facilities including transcription services, hearing rooms, document handling and management services, and readily available interpreters in one of the largest range of languages and dialects found in the world.

Canada has an independent judiciary, competent, efficient and respectful of the parties’ choice of arbitration as their method for settlement of their disputes. The Canadian government and judiciary have demonstrated a strong adherence to international treaties and agreements governing and impacting the ready recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration agreements, orders and awards.
Canada has an independent legal profession with expertise in international dispute resolution, and a demonstrated commitment to the education of professionals. Parties enjoy the freedom to choose their representatives, from within or outside Canada, and with or without legal qualifications. Border access is free from unreasonable constraints on entry, work and exit for parties, witnesses, and counsel; and participants are assured a comfortable stay.

Canada has professional and other norms that embrace a diversity of legal and cultural traditions, and the developing norms of international ethical principles governing the behaviour of arbitrators and counsel. Arbitrators enjoy a clear right to immunity from civil liability for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the course of the mandate.