Chartered status represents excellence in practice. A Chartered Arbitrator is a Fellow who has demonstrated the consistent application of the knowledge, skills and attributes required by the ADR competence framework in their ongoing practice as an arbitrator.
Eligibility - the threshold criteria
To be eligible to apply for Chartered Arbitrator status, an applicant must be an existing Ciarb Fellow and have:
- Completed a minimum of fifteen (15) difficult and complex cases as an arbitrator in the last ten (10) years*; and
- Managed at least three (3) hearings as an arbitrator in the capacity as sole arbitrator or chair**; and
- Made a significant contribution to the field of arbitration and /or the standing or arbitrators, Ciarb and its members.***
* A completed arbitration is defined as one that resulted in a reasoned award on some or all of the merits of the dispute. Difficulty and complexity are relative concepts and will be a matter for the Chartered Selection Group (CSG) to decide.
** Exceptions to the requirement for hearing experience may be made at the discretion of the CSG for those with practices that are solely document-only, as long as the complexity and difficulty of the cases listed can be explained and demonstrated to meet the standards of excellence required.
*** Contribution to the development of arbitration or the work of Ciarb include research, writing and lecturing; voluntary service to Headquarters and to the Branches; and promoting the use and benefits of arbitration, including contributing to legislative reform that is designed to increase or improve the use of arbitration; and supporting others to progress (for example by mentoring or providing shadowing opportunities). It needs to be understood that these criteria alone would not suffice to qualify a candidate to be awarded C.Arb status.
Application Process
Chartered Arbitrator Application Form Spring 2025
Chartered Arbitrator Guidance for Applicants Spring 2025
The Spring 2025 application round is between 1 April 2025 and 30 April 2025. All applications must be received by the Chartered Secretariat no later than 11.59 pm BST on Wednesday, 30 April 2025 along with the full payment. Late, incomplete applications, or those not accompanied by the required documentation or payment will not be considered.
The Chartered application fee for 2025 is £1,500 and is not refundable if an applicant is unsuccessful.