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Mr Meng Hang Ching LLB (Hons), National University of SIngapore

Job title: Partner
Country: Singapore

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Singapore

Personal bio

Meng Hang’s practice primarily focuses on international arbitration and related litigation involving high-value commercial and construction disputes: (i) High-value international commercial arbitration proceedings involving parties from various jurisdictions and institutional rules such as SIAC, ICC, SIA, LMAA, and UNCITRAL Rules; as well as arbitration-related court work and preparation of international arbitration soft law. (ii) International and domestic disputes involving construction and projects, including EPC, EPCM, specialist subcontracting arrangements; with specific experiences in litigation, arbitration and statutory adjudication; and advisory on statutory issues such as the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020, workplace safety and health, insurance and industry regulations. Meng Hang believes in being conscientious and thorough to best present his client’s case, and in a recent matter has been commended by the court for having “ably distilled the issues at hand” and “demonstrated a mastery of the authorities and evidence”.