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Mr Pierre-Florent Daureu

Job title: PARTNER (Avocat)
Country: France

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Europe
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

Recognized as a “rising star and future leader of the legal profession” by Paris City of Law, Pierre DAUREU is the Founding Partner of TALEX INTERNATIONAL. To date, Pierre has been involved in 60+ commercial and investment arbitrations. Before founding TALEX INTERNATIONAL, he worked in some of the most renowned arbitration boutiques in Paris. His experience in litigation and international arbitration leads him to represent the interests of his clients before the French courts and tribunals constituted under the aegis of the main arbitration institutions (ICC, ICSID, LCIA, SCAI, DIAC, PCA, SCC) as well as before ad hoc tribunals, constituted in particular under the UNCITRAL arbitration rules. Pierre has particular expertise in complex, often politically sensitive, commercial and investment disputes involving sovereign states, state entities and state-owned companies, particularly in the oil and gas, mining and construction industries. Pierre also maintains a significant practice as an arbitrator, as well as a substantial activity as a lawyer in judicial proceedings (in France and internationally) related to arbitration and the enforcement of arbitral awards. Pierre works in English, Spanish and French.