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Mr Steven Lim Barrister England and Wales, Advocate and Solicitor Singapore

Job title: Independent Arbitrator and Barrister
Country: Singapore

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Singapore
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

Steven Lim is an arbitrator and barrister. He has over 80 appointments in international cases as presiding, sole, co-arbitrator and emergency arbitrator. He is on the SIAC, HKIAC, ICDR, KCAB, JCAA, CIETAC, CAAI, SHAC, AIAC, THAC, HIAC, Qingdao Arbitration Commission and IDRC (India) panels and has sat in ICC, SCMA, LMAA, UNCITRAL Rules and ad hoc cases. Steven also appears as lead counsel in international arbitrations. He is a member of the English and Singapore bars.