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Mr Karim Ghorab

Job title: Associate
Country: Egypt

Membership type: Associate membership
Primary branch: Egypt

Personal bio

Karim Ghorab is an Associate in the International Arbitration practice at Alliance Law Firm (ALF). He is based in Cairo, Egypt, and he provides advice and advocacy to companies, individuals and state-owned entities in investment treaty, commercial and sport arbitration conducted in accordance with all major international arbitration rules. His expertise spans over: oil & gas, telecommunications, heavy industries, banking and finance, commercial, sport, transaction’s disputes and others. Karim appears before courts to enforce or resist enforcement of international arbitration agreements and arbitral awards. Karim is able to conduct proceedings in Arabic, English and French and he also serves as arbitrator’s assistant in arbitration proceedings. Karim works secondary on projects and acquisitions. Karim advised ALF’s client in the remarkable reverse-flow project of natural gas (NG) via the EMG’s subsea Arish-Ashkelon pipeline. Such project is contributing significantly to develop Egypt into a regional gas trading and export hub via the utilized LNG-export facilities, allowing Egypt to re-export the LNG to the adjacent countries and Europe. The project’s amount is approximately $20 billion. Karim has also witnessed the landmark settlement of the commercial-arbitral awards related to EMG and involving Egypt’s entities (EGPC and EGAS). Approximately $1.6 billion at stake.