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Mr Ekrem Kaya MSc Civil Engineer and LLM

Job title: Partner
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation, Adjudication

Personal bio

Ekrem is a widely experienced civil engineer with over 20 years of construction industry experience. He has acted as expert witness in matters of delay and quantum. Ekrem has been appointed as expert witness on numerous occasions and has been cross-examined twice, including giving concurrent evidence (‘hot tubbing’). He has experience in complex international construction disputes, including two major investment treaty (ICSID) arbitrations, and has been appointed as a dispute adjudication board (DAB) chairman. Ekrem’s broad experience spans the fields of project management, project controls, contract management, claims management, forensic delay analysis and various forms of dispute resolution. He has worked on projects in Turkey and across Asia, Europe and the Middle East including high-profile oil and gas, civil engineering, building and transportation projects. Ekrem also has comprehensive practical knowledge of all forms of delay analysis, specialising in the ‘Windows’ and ‘Time Impact Analysis’ methods; predominantly in circumstances where previous submissions based on other forms of analysis were not persuasive or successful. He is adept with all forms of planning software and has experience with a wide range of programmes used to effectively manage construction projects. Ekrem is fluent in both Turkish and English. He conducts various seminars on issues ranging from delay analysis, risk allocation under domestic and international forms of contract, and the assessment of entitlement to additional payment in the context of delay and changed circumstances. Ekrem is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Chamber of Civil Engineers in Istanbul, a practising member of the Academy of Experts and is dual-qualified with an LLM in construction law and arbitration.