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Mr Peng Cheng Tay LLB Hons (NUS)

Job title: Partner, Head of Energy, Projects & Construction Practice
Country: Singapore

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Singapore
Disciplines: Adjudication

Personal bio

Tay Peng Cheng is the Head of the Energy, Projects & Construction Practice in WongPartnership LLP, and a Partner in the International Arbitration Practice. He has been in legal practice for more than 28 years, and has extensive experience in litigation and arbitration, with focus on the energy and utilities industries, construction and engineering projects, and residential, commercial and industrial property developments. He is an accredited adjudicator appointed under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act, and has also been appointed to the Asian International Arbitration Centre's (AIAC) Panel of Adjudicators. Peng Cheng is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution.