Personal bio
Anssar has over 25 years of experience in dealing with a broad range of Accounting, Auditing and Consulting services in financial and non-financial sectors. Since 2010, he has been honored to work as an independent expert witness accredited by the UAE courts and prosecutions to investigate cases in financial and commercial litigations, civil and criminal. He has been advising clients on issues arising from contracts’ breach and quantifying the consequence loss and damage in different types of cases, such as investment, trading in securities, partnership, construction, and general commercial cases. He is accredited by the UAE authorities, such as Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy, Commercial Courts, Securities and Commodities Authority and Federal Tax Authority. Membership: Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London, FCIArb. Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, London, Chartered MCSI. Member of the Academy of Expert, 2015-2019, London. Fellow of the Egyptian Society of Accountants and Auditors, Chartered Accountant, FCA. Languages: Arabic: Native. English: Fluent.