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Mr Nam Wai Kwan MA MCS(Dist) MA(Anthro) FRICS FCIArb FHKIS RPS(QS)

Job title: Quantity Surveyor
Country: Hong Kong

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: East Asia
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation, Adjudication

Personal bio

Being a practising expert, mediator, adjudicator, arbitrator, party advocate, dispute resolution advisor over the last 25 years in the area of construction dispute resolution, I manage to represent clients from different sectors of the HK construction industry in numerous High Court Actions, arbitrations, claims negotiations and settlement. Equipped with professional skills in quantity surveying, I can discern and resolve complex time and cost claims in a relatively short period. Appointments as Dispute Resolution Advisor by the Hong Kong Housing Authority, Water Services Department, Drainage Services Department, Architectural Services Department and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation further strengthen my dispute resolution skills in construction from the public and private sector. I also acted as adjudicator appointed by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and the Office of the Telecommunication Authority (OFTA) for three consumer disputes and published three reasoned awards with settlements successfully reached in some of the cases. I was appointed as the Court Assessor assisting Hon Lam J in HCA 153 of 2008, mediator by the Hong Kong Mediation Centre in reaching the settlement of a construction dispute in 2014 and co-arbitrator by the parties in an international dispute in 2015.