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Mr Julius Nkafu LLM, PGCE, PGCert Energy Law FCIArb.

Job title: Barrister
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London

Personal bio

Julius Nkafu was called to the English Bar at the Inner Temple in 2014 and called to the Cameroon Bar in 2006. He was enrolled as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of E&W in 2002. Julius has been appointed as a Member of the Sanctions Appeals Board (SAB) of the African Development Bank Group and is Chairman of the Cameroon Business Council and the ADR committee of the African Bar Association. Member of several ADR Panels in different jurisdictions. Julius’s specialist areas include: • Arbitration and ADR. Julius is an expert in International Arbitration and also a mediator Julius lectures international Arbitration at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London, he is a Course Director and constantly deliver lectures on behalf of the institute to arbitrators across the world. Julius is a member of several arbitration panels and has over 23 years’ legal experience working in the City of London and Cameroon, acting for and against individuals, investors, and corporates. He has advised on the energy sector, oil and gas, Mining, Maritime,commercial agreements, Agriculture, Supply of Goods and Services and international trade. He is conversant with a variety of governing laws and many of the major institutional rules as well as ad hoc arrangements in international arbitration. Julius is very active in the arbitration community, acting as both counsel and as arbitrator. He is regularly invited to speak at events on various aspects of international arbitration and has written articles in the field, one of which was recently published by the Chartered Institute of Arbitration. Julius has contributed to a book by Lise Bosman on Arbitration in Africa which has recently been published by Kluwer Arbitration. Julius is a founding consultant at Nkafu Arbitration Services (NAS) with offices in Cameroon and London, United Kingdom” • Civil and commercial litigation Julius has many years of experience in litigation and fully understands the financial and other costs of litigation. He can seek resolution by negotiation where appropriate. He provides sound and robust support and advice when and where litigation is absolutely necessary. Languages French and English Memberships See