Personal bio
Dr. Deyan Draguiev FCIArb is an international dispute resolution and business law specialist trained in both civil and common law traditions. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree in English Law with First Class Honours from University of Manchester (UK) and a Master of Laws degree from Sofia University (Bulgaria), as well as a PhD in international litigation and arbitration from Hamburg University (Germany). He has also specialized private international law at Hague Academy of International Law (The Netherlands). Dr. Draguiev’s professional experience encompasses, chronologically, first, internship at UK barristers’ chambers in London, followed by being part of the commercial dispute resolution department of international law firm CMS for almost a decade, covering local and international disputes before courts and arbitral tribunals in Bulgaria, CEE and beyond. He has been counsel in arbitral proceedings under the rules of ICC, LCIA, VIAC, ICSID, as well as local institutions. Dr. Draguiev has subsequently been head of legal department for a tech company and a chairman of board of directors of an international logistics company. He currently manages an independent legal practice focused on commercial law and dispute resolution in Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and East Africa. His practice is also part of the World Tech Legal non-exclusive law firm alliance. Dr. Draguiev is active as arbitrator, too. He is on the panel of a number of arbitral institutions, including Abu Dhabi Global Market arbitration court and Asian Court of International Arbitration. Dr. Draguiev is Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Dr. Draguiev has numerous academic publications in the areas of international dispute resolution in journals such as Journal of International Arbitration and Journal of International Dispute Settlement. He is author of the book “Interim Measures in Cross-Border Civil and Commercial Disputes: Interim Relief in International Litigation and Arbitration”, published by Springer, based on his doctoral dissertation. Dr. Draguiev’s main practice lies in the areas of corporate law, energy, financial services, international transport & logistics, technology, media and IP. Dr. Deyan Draguiev lives in Sofia, Bulgaria, but regularly travels for counsel or arbitrator work across Europe, in the Gulf Region, and East Africa. He can be contacted at:;;