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Mr Stephen Bate Dip. L., Bar Finals

Job title: Chartered Arbitrator, Barrister, Accredited Mediator
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Chartered Arbitrator
Primary branch: London
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation

Company details

ArbDB Chambers
70 Fleet Street

Personal bio

Stephen Bate is a British citizen, Chartered Arbitrator, barrister and accredited mediator, with a UK domestic and international commercial arbitration practice carried on through ArbDB Chambers, arbitration chambers in London.
His practice background is as a barrister at the English Bar, where he gained over 25 years’ experience in a range of civil and commercial matters, specialising in entertainment and media cases, latterly at 5RB barristers’ chambers. His advocacy practice was mainly in the courts of the Chancery Division, and his work predominantly contract - based.

Stephen became a Chartered Arbitrator in 2007. He is a member of the Presidential Panel of arbitrators at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and is listed with the Dubai International Arbitration Centre as a qualified arbitrator. He is also a member of the panel of arbitrators maintained by Sport Resolutions and an arbitrator on the panel of the London Chamber of Arbitration and Mediation.

Stephen has particular experience of arbitrations in Nigeria, having been a member of tribunals over a period of 5 years in complex disputes between shareholders of a mobile phone company.

Areas of Arbitration Work

Fields of work covered include commercial contracts (eg distribution agreements, joint ventures, partnership/shareholder), ICT (information, communications and technology), telecommunications, intellectual property, media & entertainment, property, healthcare / procurement, sport.

The above include/further areas are: sale of goods, supply of services, licensing agreements, franchise agreements, gas supply contracts, computer contracts, employment contracts, restrictive covenant disputes, guarantee claims, contract disputes in many other different fields, e.g. sale of companies, warranty claims under sale and purchase agreements, agency agreements, contracts for advertising services; landlord & tenant, professional negligence (solicitors), competition claims, claims for breach of statutory duty, sponsorship and other sports-related agreements; breach of confidence, privacy and data protection.