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Mr Walid Abdelkader Abdelhamid Elsaied (Finished) Bch. in architectural engineering, (ongoing) MS in International Construction Mangement

Job title: Project Director
Country: Saudi Arabia

Membership type: Associate membership
Primary branch: Saudi Arabia

Personal bio

In the dynamic world of civil engineering and construction, I have carved a niche for myself as a Project Director PMP® at Freyssinet Saudi Arabia. With over a decade of experience managing large-scale and intricate projects, my expertise is backed by a solid foundation in architectural engineering and a robust technical acumen. My portfolio boasts a series of successful projects delivered within the defined scope, budget, quality, and safety parameters. A notable highlight is the Atturaif Development Project in Diriya district, the crown jewel of Saudi Arabia and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This project involved the meticulous restoration and preservation of historical buildings and monuments. My journey continued with the Al-Doho Development Project, the oldest housing district in Riyadh City, followed by the construction of an Educational Najidi project for Diriya Gate. Most recently, I had the privilege of finalizing the construction of a unique, luxurious, and world-class piece of art for the King Salman Park Foundation, the Visitors Pavilion Project, designed by Adjaye Associates. My role has allowed me to hone excellent communication and collaboration skills, working with diverse teams and stakeholders, including owners, consultants, subcontractors, and site engineers. I am driven by a passion for creating and restoring buildings that echo the culture and values of Saudi Arabia and the region, contributing to the social and economic development of communities. In every project I lead or participate in, I aim to achieve excellence and sustainability, reflecting my commitment to the future of our built environment.