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Mrs Mariam Diawara Lawyer, specialised in Litigation, Multilateral Development Bank Sanctions System, CFE.

Job title: Executive Secretary to the African Development Bank Sanctions Appeals Board
Country: Côte d'Ivoire

Membership type: Associate membership
Primary branch: Canada

Company details

African Development Bank
CCI Building - Avenue Jean Paul II
Abidjau Plateau

Personal bio

With over 25 years of experience working in international financial institutions and leading law firms, Mariam Diawara has diverse cross-sectoral expertise in both sovereign and non-sovereign lending, corporate governance, and managing strategic projects. She is a non-practionner member at both Paris and Malian Bar and currently serves as the Executive Secretary to the Sanctions Appeals Board (SAB) at the African Development Bank (AfDB) where she has held several positions including Chief Legal Counsel. Prior to joining AfDB, she set up and managed her own legal practice at the Paris Court of Appeal. She holds the equivalent of an LL.M in Business Law from the University of Paris 2, Institut de Droit des Affaires (IDA), a post-graduate degree in International Business Law and Management from ESSEC Business School in Paris, and a post-graduate degree in International Administration (DESS) from the University of Paris 2, Panthéon - Assas. As a lawyer, I specialized in litigation. I am interested in international arbitration (commercial and investment).