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Ms Cathryn Neo

Job title: Partner
Country: Singapore

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Singapore

Personal bio

Cathryn is a bilingual (English and Mandarin), dual-qualified (Singapore and Australia (Vic)) dispute resolution specialist at PDLegal LLC. Cathryn has a broad commercial disputes practice with experience in international arbitration, insolvency and restructuring, and mediation. She also works closely with the China Practice to advise clients on cross-border China-related disputes. Prior to joining the firm, Cathryn practised in the Dispute Resolution team at Ashurst LLP in Singapore. She handled high-value commercial disputes under the SIAC, ICC and HKIAC rules in the financial as well as energy and construction sectors. An accredited HKIAC Tribunal Secretary, Cathryn has assisted arbitral tribunals in numerous institutional and ad hoc arbitrations in her previous role as an Associate for a leading arbitrators, Dr Michael Hwang SC. In addition to her experience in international arbitration, Cathryn also worked with a panel of judges at the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts on issues relating to the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. Cathryn regularly assists clients in managing cross-border litigation, including before the Australian, Brunei and Indonesian courts. She has advised and acted for global financial institutions in several prominent contentious insolvency and restructuring matters in the Singapore courts. She has co-authored a book chapter and several case reports on landmark arbitration decisions which are published in Kluwer Institute for Transnational Arbitration Case Reports. Cathryn currently sits as co-Vice Chairperson on the Women in Practice Committee of the Law Society of Singapore. She is a committee member of the Beihai Asia International Arbitration Centre and was also recently appointed as the inaugural chairperson of the Young Practitioners Network for the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb).