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Mrs Kossar Qureshi LLB(hons,) HCA, LLM(Merit),FCIarb,

Job title: Solicitor, Arbitrator, Mediator
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London

Personal bio

Kossar is a qualified Solicitor, Arbitrator and Mediator. In Mediation Kossar works with participants to help them come to a solution which all parties are happy with. All options are considered and all realistic solutions explored. In Arbitration Kossar has acted for Claimant and Respondent in a wide variety of cases ranging from breach of contract to landlord and Tenant. Kossar is presently Management Partner at MH Solicitors. She is Head of the Crown Court Department and a Higher court advocate (Criminal). she has been involved in Supervising the Firms Property and Criminal departments. She is an Experienced Court advocate and Family litigator. She has appeared in Magistrates, Civil and Crown Court. She has Twenty Five years of experience in the legal field. Kossar has Extensive Experience in a wide range of Employment and Civil Disputes. This includes breach of contract, Landlord tenant, unfair dismissal and discrimination at work. Kossar is a practicing Solicitor. She was admitted to the roll of Solicitors in 2007.She Has studied LLM in Construction Law and Arbitration at the Robert Gordon University Aberdeen. Kossar is the sole Director of AML dispute Resolution. A Newly formed company dealing in Arbitration , Mediation & Litigation. Kossar is very active in her local community and Regular contributor to Firm's Monthly Newsletter ' MH Law Update'. Kossar has delivered lectures and in-house courses for the firm in following areas: • Employment Disputes • Contractual procedure • Mediation • Supervision and Management • Criminal law update • Conveyancing procedure