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Mr Alexandre Maciel Law Degree.

Job title: Arbitrator_Lawyer
Country: Portugal

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Europe
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

ARBITRATION EXPERIENCE: • Arbitration Institutions Enlisted as an Arbitrator Center for Administrative Arbitration (CAAD). Center for Arbitration of Civil, Commercial and Administrative Litigation (CAL). Center for Property and Real Estate Arbitration (CAPI). National Center for Construction Arbitration (CNA). National Center of Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts (CNIACC). Ave, Tâmega e Sousa Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (TRIAVE). Insurance Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (CIMPAS). Concordia Center (CONCÓRDIA). ARBITRARE – Arbitration Center for Industrial Property, Domain Names, Firms and Denominations. Arbitrator of WTC Macau Arbitration Center. Arbitrator of CACM (Mozambique). CIAB – Consumption Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center. CICAP – Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Center. Arbitrator of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). List of Arbitrators of the Southern Central Administrative Court (TCAS). Lists of Arbitrators from the Courts of Appeal of Coimbra, Guimarães, Lisbon and Porto. • Experience as Arbitrator Intervention in internal “ad-hoc” arbitrations as an arbitrator: 4 (four) proceedings; Intervention in institutionalized internal arbitrations as an arbitrator: 1035 proceedings: CIMPAS – 381; CNIACC – 294; TRIAVE - 277; CIAB – 33; CICAP – 43; CAAD – 4; ARBITRARE – 2; CAPI – 1. • Experience as Counsel Intervention in internal “ad-hoc” arbitrations as a Lawyer: 3 (three) proceedings. Intervention in internal “ad-hoc” arbitrations as a Lawyer: 3 (three) proceedings; Intervention in internal “ad-hoc” arbitrations as Deputy and Alderman of the Municipality of Barcelos: 2 (two) proceedings; Councilor of the Municipality of Barcelos (Legal Affairs): 2 (two) proceedings.