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Ms Myriam El Kara FCIArb, LLM, MBA

Job title: CEO
Country: Singapore

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Singapore

Personal bio

Myriam is a critical raw materials specialist. In her last assignment she set-up the supply chain from mine-to-cathode for a French li-ion battery manufacturer, amidst a climate of public policy change, supply chains localisation and ESG concerns. Previously, Myriam was a commodities trader and investor out of Jakarta and Singapore originating thermal coal, then leading investments in green technology metals mining and processing assets such as rare earths, cobalt and lithium. Prior to her experience in commodities, Myriam worked in the financial services sector in Paris and London. She has a dual academic background with an MBA from INSEAD and a Master of International Economic Law from the University of Paris I: Panthéon – Sorbonne. Myriam shares her time between Paris, Singapore, and Beirut.