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Mr Naresh Mahtani LLB Hons

Job title: Director
Country: Singapore

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Singapore
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation, Adjudication

Personal bio

Mr. NARESH MAHTANI has been in active legal practice for over 35 years, in dispute resolution, international construction and oil & gas projects and commercial transactions, as counsel and advisor, as well as arbitrator, adjudicator and mediator in various institutional (including ICC, SIAC, AIAC and SMC) and ad hoc cases in Singapore and the region. He was a founding partner (1994-1999) and later a practising consultant (2004 -2012) with ATMD Bird & Bird LLP and a partner with Eldan Law LLP (2013-2018), with an active practice in dispute resolution and construction projects. He is currently a principal director at Adelphi Law Chambers, Singapore. His many roles and appointments in the dispute resolution community during the past few decades includes being Chairman of the Society of Construction Law, Singapore (2006 – 2008), Hon. Secretary and a Course Director of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (2010 - 2018), CEO of the Law Society of Singapore (1999-2001) and he is currently Chair of the Appeals Board of the Council Estate Agencies (CEA). He is regularly appointed as Arbitrator in major domestic and international arbitrations, including those in the building & construction and oil & gas industries in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India and the region. He is a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (FSIArb) and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), as well as an Arbitrator on the panel of arbitrators of various arbitral institutions. As an accredited Adjudicator with the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), he has been appointed as adjudicator in substantial construction adjudications, as well as a mediator in various cases. He is recognized as a Senior Accredited Specialist in Building & Construction by the Singapore Academy of Law.