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Mr John C. Lenzen New York, Michigan, Texas, England and Wales (Solicitor)

Job title: Arbitrator & Mediator, Lenzen ADR
Country: United States

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Bermuda

Personal bio

John C. Lenzen is an international arbitrator, mediator, insurance expert and consultant. For twenty-five years, he served the insurance industry as outside counsel and in a variety of senior Legal and Claims roles, principally based in Bermuda. These included General Counsel to a number of insurance and reinsurance companies, General Counsel to and Head of Claims for Chubb (previously ACE) Bermuda and its Dublin subsidiary, and fifteen years as Worldwide Head of Litigation and Chief Litigation Counsel, Global Claims to the ACE and Chubb Groups. Mr. Lenzen has fairly assessed, determined and resolved countless high-severity claims under commercial policies involving excess liability, financial lines, property, political risk, reinsurance and retrocessions, and eleven-figure underlying losses spanning the globe. He has had direct responsibility for the hands-on management of many international and multi-jurisdictional arbitrations in England, Bermuda and the United States, at least twenty of which went to an Award. Mr. Lenzen also has extensive experience personally resolving many complex, nine-figure disputes through mediation and principal-to-principal discussions, and successfully employing creative negotiating strategies for challenging multi-party disputes implicating up to ten figures and involving numerous counsel and perspectives, and dozens of parties. Finally, Mr. Lenzen has testified several times as a key witness in eight- and nine-figure disputes and been cross-examined by both preeminent American litigators and Queen's Counsel.