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Mr Andrew Ranger

Job title: HVAC Building Services Engineer
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: South East

Personal bio

I have been a building services engineer in UK construction (commercial and industrial) for 44 years having started with a good grounded 5 year apprenticeship. In the past 20 years I have been involved in adjudications, which led me to take an interest in dispute resolution, hence becoming initially an associate then advancing to member of the CIArb. The construction industry is very tough and I have seen a significant decline in qualified, competent, experienced or skilled persons and a significant rise in financial disputes. It is my aim to spend more time in dispute resolution by offering my experience and expertise as an independent to those adjudicators etc whom require an expert opinion to assist with their decisions. This may well allow me to progress to an accredited adjudicator and/or mediator.