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Mr Graham Cottingham BSc(ActSci) BA(Maths&Stats) MBA Master Int'l Neg'n & Policy LLM Int'l Trade Law PgDip Dispute Res'n

Job title: Arbitrator, Trustee, Director
Country: Hong Kong

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: East Asia
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation

Personal bio

CEO Quartermain Group, directing divisions on cross-border trade and investment, financial and professional business services, and dispute resolution. Non-lawyer arbitrator, mediator, pension fund trustee, investment director. Previous experience: MD listed fund house, fund manager, corporate turnarounds, M&A, actuarial consultant, expert witness (insurance and investment), international trade policy adviser, winner Queen's Award for Enterprise (International Trade). Medical training in Royal Army Medical Corps. Director, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute; Director & Honorary Secretary, Vis East Moot Foundation; Listed or empanelled arbitrator and mediator at several institutions around Asia, Middle East and Europe; Director, International Renewable Energy. FCIArb, Senior Fellow Hong Kong Securities & Investment Institute, Fellow Institute of Mathematics & Applications, Chartered Mathematician, Chartered Scientist. BSc Actuarial Science, BA Maths & Stats, MBA, Master of International Negotiation and Policymaking, LLM International Trade Law and Treaty Negotiation, PgDip Dispute Resolution.