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Dr Carlos Leal-Isla Garza PhD, LLM

Job title: Partner
Country: Mexico

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: North America

Personal bio

Professional experience with Freshfields in Paris and New York (2000-2001), and at LIH (2007-), where I have acted as arbitrator, counsel and assistant counsel in different cases, and also have negotiated and drafted domestic and international contracts; President of the Nuevo León arbitration committee ICC Mexico (2019-); FCIArb; Partner Spanish Arbitration Club; member ICCA; professor of European law, international law, arbitration, conflicts of jurisdictions, and international contracts at graduate level, in different periods at Monterrey Tech, University of Nuevo León, and UDEM (since 1999). LLM in international private and commercial law (1998), with thesis directed by Prof. Philippe Fouchard (+), as well as specializations in international private law (1997) and comparative law (1997) all from the University of Paris II; LLM in International dispute resolution (2014) at Fordham, in New York; coauthor of collective books and author of several articles and notes in specialized reviews, including Revue de l´arbitrage. Law degree from UDEM (1993). Former president of the Nuevo León Chapter of the Barra Mexicana Colegio de Abogados (2010-2012).