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Captain Milind Jayant Karkhanis Master Mariner (U.K.) and Masters In Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, CEDR Mediator.

Job title: Maritime Expert and Arbitrator
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London

Personal bio

Career: More than 43 years of experience in the maritime industry and has expertise in shipping rules and regulations e.g. SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, Load Line, MLC 2006, etc. Well versed on how these should be interpreted and practically applied with regards to its compliance in relation to the operational and technical aspects of running the ships. Closely monitors the advice contained in the publications and circulars issued by the IMO, Flag State Administrations, PNI Clubs and the Classification Societies. Over 25 years of experience in marine claims and in constructing robust responses on wet and dry claims such as, collision, grounding, ship handling, technical operational management, safe port, loss prevention matters, Bills of lading, Charter Party, COA, ship building, ship sale and purchase contracts and salvage. Started sea career in 1978 and sailed for 15 years progressing from Cadet to Master on a variety of ships such as Tankers, OBO, Bulk Carriers, Container and Geared Cargo ships. In 1993, moved ashore and since then have worked in senior management roles in Mumbai and Hong Kong, primarily dealing with ship management, operations and training matters. In 2004, moved to London and worked for Videotel, a leading maritime training provider till 2017. At Videotel, monitored latest regulations introduced by the IMO and other regulatory bodies and accordingly developed training programmes related to the ship’s safety, operation, technical and other loss prevention matters. In 2017, moved to Dubai to set up a marine consultancy company and now frequently travel between London and Dubai. Available for appointments on maritime disputes as an arbitrator or expert.