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Mr Vishwanath (Viraj) Greedharry FCIArb, ACG (ICSA), BTPC, LLM, LLM(PLP), CPE, BA Law and Management

Job title: Independent Arbitrator, Lawyer/ Barrister, Court Advocate, Accredited Mediator
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London

Personal bio

Viraj is an International Independent Arbitrator on the roster of Arbitrators of the Saudi Centre for Commercial Arbitration, the Vienna International Arbitral Centre, the Maldives International Arbitration Centre and the Mediation and Arbitration Centre of Mauritius. Viraj’s experience in a non-arbitrator capacity in litigation and arbitration includes but is not limited to: fiscal fraud and tax enforcement, international fraud and ponzi schemes, anti-competitive behaviours & collusion, telecommunications, transportation and delivery services, patent breaches within the pharmaceutical industry, financial services, breach of General Data Protection Rules, civil aviation disputes, clinical negligence, insurance claim (non-marine) disputes, retail and housing regulatory compliance. He has worked on commercial litigation and arbitration matters involving clients from England, Denmark, the UAE, France, the USA, Switzerland and Mauritius and has dealt with cases under US law, UK law, French law, Swiss Law, UAE law and Mauritian law. Representative work includes but is not limited to: 1. Telecommunications: a litigation worth several hundred million pounds within the telecommunications industry in UK in relation to breach of contract, collusion and anti-competitive behaviours; 2. Banking & Financial services: a multi-billion recovery of assets lawsuit on one of the largest ponzi schemes in the world; 3. Health care: a highly contentious public inquiry in UK; 4. Delivery services: a multi-million pounds arbitration matter administered under DIFC-LCIA where the original owner and thereafter minority shareholder was forced out of a business; and 5. Pharmaceutical: a lawsuit worth hundreds of millions of pounds for an alleged breach of patent rights, amongst others. Viraj is also a Court Advocate of England and Wales with a broad civil law practice and appears up to the level of the High Court.