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Job title: Partner
Country: Nigeria

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Nigeria
Secondary branches: East Anglia
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation

Personal bio

Mrs. Josephine Akinwunmi is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), a CEDR (UK) Accredited Mediator, a Certified SCMA Mediation Advocacy Trainer, a Certified Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Practitioner, a Legal Practitioner and a Licensed Human Resources Practitioner. She holds two degrees from the University of Lagos, Nigeria (B.A-Russian/English and LL.B), admitted as a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria and obtained an LL.M from the University of South Wales. Prior to obtaining her law degree, Josephine Akinwunmi worked in the Human Resource function and was at various times, part of the team that managed training and industrial relations of a large number of staff without any serious incidence of industrial unrest. Her passion for Mediation has seen her involved in a number of cases most of which have been successfully handled and resolved. Josephine Akinwunmi is on the Panel of Neutrals and a faculty member of the Lagos Multi-Door Courthouse, Nigeria, Enugu-State Multi-Door Courthouse, Nigeria, the Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates (SCMA), Nigeria and the Lagos Court of Arbitration (LCA). Mrs Akinwunmi belongs to a number of Professional Bodies including the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators(where she serves as secretary of the Nigeria Branch), the International Chamber of Commerce, Nigeria (National Commission on Arbitration and ADR), the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (where she serves on the Ethics and Mediation sub-committee), the African Arbitration Association, ArbiralWomen and the Nigerian Bar Association. She is also a Notary Public for Nigeria.