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Dr David Goodwin PhD in Law, Masters in Logistics Mgmt, Grad Cert International Arbitration, Grad Dip Comm Law, LLB

Job title: Associate Professor, Victoria University, Melbourne
Country: Australia

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Australia
Disciplines: Mediation

Personal bio

Associate Professor David Goodwin is an academic at Victoria University in Melbourne where he works across the Business and Law Schools as Head of Industry and External Engagement. Previously, he was MBA Director and Director of Juris Doctor Programs at RMIT University. David also maintains a practice at the Victorian Bar focused on Alternative Dispute Resolution, international trade and maritime law and advises on corporations law and corporate governance matters. David is the Immediate Past President of the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand. He was President from 2019 to 2021. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and has been appointed to New South Wales Arbitration Panels constituted under the Mining Act and Petroleum (Onshore) Act. David signed the Victorian Bar Roll in 2010 after a corporate career of more than two decades, where he worked as a corporate lawyer and Head of Corporate Affairs with the companies BHP, ANL, BlueScope Steel and Neptune Orient Lines of Singapore. David holds a PhD in Law and a Masters of Logistics Management from RMIT, as well as a Graduate Certificate in International Arbitration from the National University of Singapore and a Graduate Diploma in Commercial Law. He obtained his Bachelor of Laws from the University of Queensland.