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Mr Damian Sturzaker LLM, Diploma of Private International Law (Hague)

Job title: Partner
Country: Australia

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Australia

Personal bio

Damian is a national councillor of the Australia Branch and the head of the Dispute Resolution team at Marque Lawyers, where he specialises in international arbitration. Damian has over 30 years’ experience as a commercial litigator with specialist expertise in the areas of international arbitration and cross border dispute resolution. He has run international arbitrations in London, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore. He is recognised as one of Australia’s leading lawyers in the field of Dispute Resolution by Legal 500, Best Lawyers and the Chambers Global and Asia Pacific Guides. In 2019, he was named the Arbitration Lawyer of the year by Best Lawyers. He has been short-listed in the 2019 ADR awards across multiple categories. Damian has worked for major law firms in Australia, United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. He was awarded the Diploma of Private International Law by the Hague Academy of International Law in 1998, an honour obtained by only six other Australians. Damian is the representative on the international committee on International Arbitration for the Australian branch of the International Law Association. He is also an Australian representative for the World Bank Doing Business survey and the Australian reporter for Kluwer Arbitration. He is a visiting professional fellow in international arbitration at UNSW law school and has supervised Phd candidates. He has lectured at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Diploma and Fast Track to Fellowship courses, has judged the Australian Essay competition and is a previous past Director of Education and Vice President of the Australian branch of CIArb. Damian has been invited by the Commonwealth Attorney General to advise in relation to a number of matters including the training of members of the Sri Lankan Attorney General’s department on international arbitration, the reform of Australia’s private international law regime, the appointment of arbitrators and the implementation of the Hague Se