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Mr Gautam Kumar BSc QS and LLM

Job title: Senior Quantity Surveyor
Country: United Arab Emirates

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: India, Qatar
Secondary branches: India
Disciplines: Mediation

Personal bio

EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT • Master of Law Construction Law, Arbitration and Adjudication, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, U.K in 2014.  Completed Stage One (Postgraduate Certificate Arbitration) in 2012.  Awarded 70% for the Arbitral Award Writing course by Robert Gordon University in 2012.  Completed Stage Two (Postgraduate Diploma Construction Law and Arbitration and Adjudication) in 2013.  Stage Three - Dissertation “Adjudication in Qatar” in 2014. • BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying from College of Estate Management, Reading University, U.K. in 2011. • Diploma in Civil Engineering from State Board of Technical Education Bihar, India in 1985.