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Mr Christopher Ennis MSc FRICS FCIArb

Job title: Director
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London
Disciplines: Adjudication, Mediation, Arbitration

Personal bio

I am a Chartered Quantity Surveyor with over 45 years’ experience in the Construction Industry. For the last 30 years I have specialised in expert witness work in the area of quantum analysis. In the last 20 years or so I have combined this increasingly with work as a neutral mediator, adjudicator, DAB member or arbitrator. I have practised in the UK and internationally in connection with major construction contract disputes. A past chair of the UK and Ireland Society of Construction Law, I was a member of the sub-committee responsible for production of the second edition of the SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol, with particular responsibility for the Disruption section. I am a visiting professor at the University of Stuttgart and lecturer at the University of Melbourne. I have delivered papers at many construction law conferences internationally. A number of these have been published as SCL papers, as articles in Construction Law Journal, and in other publications including the China Construction Law Review.