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Mr Saher Salem

Job title: Executive Director
Country: Egypt

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Egypt

Personal bio

I am an Egyptian Architectural Engineer who holds a Bachelor’s Degree and graduated (1987) from Cairo, Egypt, and have worked in the construction project management profession for thirty-four years. I hold a range of professional memberships achieved through affiliations with local and international professional associations. Chartered Engineer: The British Engineering Council A Fellow: Chartered Construction Manager (FCIOB) A Fellow: Chartered Building Engineer (FCABE) Chartered Project Management Surveyor (MRICS) Proudly, bypassing all the security investigations, personal appraisals, and technical assessments and performing the oath as a judicial engineering expert for the UAE Ministry of Justice, I was selected for giving expert determination for court cases, thus helping justice and assisting judges with technical engineering evidence. This has reinforced my self-confidence, as I considered such an achievement as a reward for my experience as I served honestly, treated others fairly, and at no time acted based on my own benefit. I also never engaged in deceiving action or made misleading statements, and that is for sure on top of my competency, knowledge, skills, and wide technical experience. Masters of International Commercial Arbitration and Contract Drafting, Ain Shams University, Egypt Arbitration Counsellor Certificate - Graduate Studies Cairo University Egypt. Arbitration Soft Skills Diploma, Syndicate of International Arbitration Counsellors and Information Security Experts, Egypt Investment Disputes, Drafting Contracts / Legal Charters Instruments Diploma CAMBRIDGE ICC.