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Miss Nada Elwir

Job title: Attorney
Country: Jordan

Membership type: Associate membership
Primary branch: Canada
Disciplines: Adjudication, Mediation, Arbitration

Personal bio

Ambitious, innovative and detail oriented; ever since I have decided to become a lawyer and serve good causes, I made it my life’s mission to leave an impact in every aspect I’m involved in. Started with a Bachelor’s degree in Law, and immediately started developing my skills and broaden my horizons in different fields. Among my domain of interests side by side with being an attorney at court, I take part in activities to eliminate violence and cyber-terrorism, emphasize on the dialogue between religions and civilizations, Ecclesiastical affairs and Religious tourism, and proudly was the first to open the door of Coptic Pilgrimage. - Member of: Jordan Bar Association Arab Society for Intellectual Property - Attorney in: Civil, Criminal Trade and Tax Law Practiced Civil, Criminal Trade and Tax Law in At Mansour Fadeel Office / 2000-2003 • Consultant in: Tax and Labor Law International Financial Legal and Managerial Consultants • Expert in: Attorney Law Ecclesiastical court affairs Human Rights Counter-terrorism Dialogue of Civilizations and Religions • Activist and Lecturer in: Cyber-terrorism Cyber Crime • Vice President in the National Commission for Dialogue and Nonviolence / 2010- Present • Training Of Trainers - T.O.T from National Commission for Dialogue and Nonviolence / 2016 • Liaison Officer for King Abdullah II Fund For Development KAFD / 2008 • I am accredited as a member of the International Training and Consultancy Union 2018