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Mr James O'Donoghue Dip.Arch B(Arch)Sc Dip Proj Man Dip Arb Dip Int' Comm Arb Dip Const Law LLM FRIAI, RIBA, FCIArb.

Job title: Project Manager / Arcitect / ADR service provider.
Country: Ireland

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Ireland
Secondary branches: London
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation, Adjudication

Personal bio

Arbitrator, Adjudicator, (including taxation of costs), Mediator, Conciliator, Expert Determiner - all Domestic & International . Built Environment business;- Building & Engineering Client-Consultant Agreements, Public Private Partnerships, ICC Arbitration, Director of BLUETT & O'DONOGHUE Project Management, Architecture, Engineering, Built Heritage, Forensics.