Personal bio
AB is a qualified Chartered Accountant and a Corporate Jurist. He graduated in Law, from the King’s College London, UK and holds an MBA International from Univ. Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.
AB advises clients - Govts, Corporates and Individuals, in different international jurisdictions, among others in Africa, Asia-Pacific, EU, Caribbean regions. He regularly travels in these jurisdictions and meet clients and professionals with whom he mainly works on structuring, transaction advisory & commercial disputes, of different levels of complexity.
Moreover, AB also assist clients in negotiation and international tax matters, which arise between different jurisdictions during international transactions.
In 2019, AB was designated twice to be the representative of the New York International Arbitration Centre at the 52nd Session of UNCITRAL, and at the 70th Session of UNCITRAL WGII (Dispute Settlement), both held in Vienna.
He is also a Senior Executive Fellow of the Harvard Kennedy School from the Harvard University, Boston USA.