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Dr Maged Swelam Doctor of Philosophy

Job title: COO , EHAF Consulting Engineers-KSA
Country: Egypt

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Egypt

Personal bio

Dr. Swelam is Senior Level Director, with 23 years of experience in Construction Industry, possessing the skills and leadership to develop and deliver the business strategy through collaboration with cross-functional teams in revenue maximization, cost containment , quantitative analysis, and change management with a clear vision of opportunities and target markets in MENA region. Dr. Swelam focus on meeting Clients needs by understanding client’s requirements, suggestions, complaints through consistent and effective communication by being responsive to client calls and emails, scheduling regular check-ins, sharing company news, and interacting with your clients across social media, if appropriate. Dr. Swelam is skilled in building relationships in the workplace with colleagues to ensure good teamwork and productivity. Dr. Swelam Holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Master’s in Construction Engineering and Management and Philosophy Doctorate in Construction Engineering and Management specialized in procurement disputes resolution and personality traits analysis. Dr. Swelam is a Professional Member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS), Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb), Fellow Member of Quantity Surveyors International (FQSi), Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Buildings (CIOB) , Member of Egyptian Engineering Syndicate (EES), Member of Saudi Counsel of Engineers (SCE) and Federation of Arab Engineers (FAE). Dr. Swelam is a lecturer and Instructor for Risk Management, Contracts Practice and Administration, Cost Management , Document Management Programs Setup / Utilization, Total Quality Management (TQM)…etc. Dr. Swelam is also member of RICS Advisory Board. Dr. Swelam is a peer reviewer for many international journals appraising of a research work and to extract the potentialities of the researcher. Dr. Swelam is expected expected to get his DBA degree on 2024.